Chapter 24: When Things Starts To Fall Apart

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Glay arrived back in the patient's room, carrying the takeout orders. He saw Maxee feeding her mom with the meal provided by the hospital.

"Oh! Hey, auntie! You're awake!" Glay greeted and puts the bags on the table.

"Hi, dear." Lara tried to speak and be cheerful despite her sickness.

Glay came to them and talked to Max.

"Max, I already told my boss that I won't be going to work today and he approved."

"What? Glay, you should'nt have done that."

"It's okay, I'll be staying here with you. I can take care of Aunt Lara when you go to school."

"Oh, no Glay. I don't wanna be a burden. I'm fine here alone. I can just contact the nurses if I need anything." Lara insisted.

"No, Auntie. I wanna help." Glay breathed. "But for now, I gotta go get some of my things and take a shower at home. I left my friend in my apartment, I gotta visit him too." He added.

"Okay. I understand." Max nodded.

Glay left the hospital and took the train to get home. Everything was unexpected and he was exhausted of everything that's been going on lately.

When he arrived at home, he talked to Azi about what happened and why he didn't go home last night. He prepared some of his clothes to take to the hospital then he took a shower.

He still checks his phone every minite to see if Dr. Filmann responded to him but he still ends up disappointed.

"So... Have you heard from Dr. Filmann yet?" Azi didn't want to ask that question but the neuronite pushed him to. He was standing beside Glay.

"No. I'm still waiting. Maybe he's just too busy." Glay murmurs while busy packing his things. The way he just puts his clothes and some condiments in his bad shows just how much he's rushing to go to the hospital.

"What are your plans? Don't you really wanna go home?" Azi asked.

Glay stopped packing his things and exhaled deeply. He tried to smile even though all he feels is frustration.

"I won't go back to Orbinovus, Azi. This is home. This is where we really should be living. And with everything going on right now, I don't know wht to put first." Glay felt weak and sat on the bed, beside the bad he's packing.

"I'm sorry, Glay. I'm just here for you, always." He comforted him and rubbed Glay's back gently.

Glay suddenly turned his head to him like he thought of an idea.

"Hey.. Why don't we go visit Dr. Filmann?"

"Well.. I thought you gotta go to the hospital."

"Yeah, but we can go visit him first. I still have time."

After Glay packed his things, he brought it with him and went outside the apartment building to wait for a cab to ride their way to Dr. Filmann's house.

They've been waiting for 10 minutes now but every cabs passing by are occupied. Suddenly, Glayden's phone beeped. He took it out of his pocket while he carries his backpack.

It was Maxee. She texted him saying "hey. Uncle Paul visited mom at the hospital so I was able to go home too. I'm on my way to you. Wanna go to the hospital together?"

Glay looked at Azi.

"What is it?" Azi asked.

"It's Max. She's heading here."

"Oh... Should we just visit tomorrow or some other day?"

"No, no. I'll just call her."

Glay called Max. He's still thinking of what to say. He doesn't want to tell Max anything related to his mission to Orbinovus to keep her out of danger.

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