Chapter 9: FAQ - Frequent Alien Questions

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Back to what's happening on Earth when Glay and Max found the ship and Kiera and Jana is looking for them.

"She's getting too close!" Maxee said.

Jana keeps walking slowly, about to bump on the invisible ship.

Max took her phone and called her. Jana stopped and answered the call.

"Maxee, where are you???" Jana asked histerically

"We're here at the shore looking for you. Where are you??" Maxee said.

"Ugh! We've been looking for you everywhere!" She complains and moved back. "Wait for us there, okay?" She said and signalled Kiera to head back.

Maxee and Glay gasps. They thought they'd be caught.

They prepared to leave the ship and looks around if they can find something important.

Maxee found a white oval case on the floor near the control area and grabbed it.

"What's this?" She asked.

Glay took it from him and showed her what's inside.

"It's my Survival Pills. It's important to us Orbinovians because our planet is not as perfect as yours." He said.

"Oh, yeah? Let me take one of these." Maxee took one of the tablets. "I'm going to send this to my friend smti study its compositions." She saud and smiles.

Glayden kept the pills and they went outside the ship. With Max leading the way, Glayden called her name tobsay something.

"Max!" Glayden said with a low voice and looking down. Max stopped and turns to him.

"Yeah, what?" She asked.

Glayden walks closer to him.

"I just wanna let you know that- I honor our agreement. You know, back in the food quarters."

"It's called restaurant." Max said with a straight face.

"Yeah, whatever it is. I know, I've been a hindrance to your happiness. I disturbed your life. And now, as agreed, this is the last thing you'll do to help me. And thank you. For helping me when the ship crashed. For helping me here. Like I said, i'll pay you back someday."

Max pauses. Deep inside, she don't want him to leave. She wants more adventures with him. She's interested with what will happen next. But she's used to people going. She's known for not telling people to stay and not chasing anyone. It's her ego.

"Okay... fine. But you know, we can still give you a ride back im the beach."

"Yeah, of course."

"Come on."

After docked back in the each, they went back to the hotel to get their things. Kiera helped them carry some of them and they noticed his great strength.

"Wow, you boyfriend is so... strong." Kiera told Max while looking at Glay carrying all their bags all at once.

"Yeah. Sure." Max said with no emotions.

Glay puts all their things at the back of their car easily and grabs a plastic where his suit and helmet are kept.

"So... let's go!" Says Kiera.

Everyone turned around and walked to the car door. Max looks at him with no trace of any emotions. Holding herself from offering Glay anything.

"Actually, ladies... I'm not coming with you." Glay said.

Kiera, who was just about to open the car's door stopped and looked at him as well as Jana.

"What? Why?"-Kiera.

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