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"Greetings, Orbinovians. I am Glayden Weiner, from Space Force and Research, and I am now here on Earth. Yes, Earth. It's been awhile since I crashlanded here and found out that ACRO's been keeping secrets from us. And it's not even the worst yet." The people around Orbinovus received the video that Glayden made, revealing ACRO's lies. Everyone who had StellarBands or anything they used for communication got the message. Glayden's video was in every screen, every hologram. Aries succeeded in hacking Cora's satellite.

"...During my stay here, I had the chance to know how our ancestors lived. And it opened my eyes to the things we didn't realize. I was able to see the things that ACRO hid from us. The beautiful things they took from us. I experienced what it's like to have a family, to feel happy, sad, angry, mad, to laugh so hard you even cry, I even learned to sing..." While Glay explains, videos that he took using his stellarband played, showing Lara serving food, his friends laughing and drinking at the party, the carnival and others.

"...And the best thing ever... I found love. The feeling you get when you meet someone special. When you don't mind anything else when she's around. And this, this is crazy because it makes your heart beat fast even if you're just sitting in a chair. But it feels good. I know it just sounds scary and confusing to you. But it's because we never get to feel things like that before. Because ACRO's been mandating us to drink that Survival Pill. They made us believe that it was for our health. To help our bodies to adapt to the new planet. But they added chemicals to limit our emotions. Just because they believe that it makes you do terrible things. But who are they to say that when all they ever planned to do is watch Earth die? Yes. Earth is in danger. Apparently, an Asteroid is about to hit Earth and they're doing nothing to help because humans are useless to them! ACRO is nothing but selfish hypocrites. They pretend that they're doing everything for the people, but all they ever do is turn us to one of their robots. Well, we're human too. You should let us live like one! We should not let them-"

The video was cut when ACRO's team regained their access to CORA. Everyone who saw the video were in shock. People who were just about to take the pills stopped and threw them away.

Glayden was in a room. Probably a hospital. His head still hurt and his sight was a bit blurry. But still, he was able to recognize Azi standing in front of him.

"Glad you're finally awake." Azi said.

"Azi? Where am I? What am I doing here?" Glay asked and looked around.

"You're in the emergency facility of SFR, Glay." Azi smiled.

"What happened?" Glay looked at him. He seemed to be in a better condition that the last time he saw him.

"You made it. You saved Earth. You kicked out the board of ACRO. They were now replaced by new board members."

"Really? I did?"

"Yes. And they're phasing out the survival pills. All of these are happening because of you, Glay."

"Where's Commander Aries?"

"He can't visit for now. He's under interrogation."

"I don't understand. How were we able to kick out the former board members of ACRO if they're the highest of the highest?"

"We'll talk about it later. For now, you need to rest."

Glay exhaled while looking at the ceiling, wondering what happened while he was unconscious.

It was a rainy saturday on Earth, Maxee just got home from the hospital, Exhausted and wet because she ran from her car to the doorway. Her phone rang and she quickly answered the call when she saw the name of her boss.

"Hello, Mrs. West?" She greeted. "No, sorry ma'am I can't.. I can't replace Sam tomorrow even if it's double pay. Sunday is my only rest day." She said. Holding the phone to her ears while taking off her shoes. "I'm really sorry, Mrs. West." She ended the call.

She was about to go upstairs to get a towel but someone knocked on her door.

"Oh, for goodness' sake, who's that??"

She walked to the door with heavy steps. She opened the door with a balled fist and tight-lipped.

"What is it??" She said with a high tone of voice. "Oh.."

She tried to act nice when she saw an aged man, according to his uniform, he was a mailman. He was holding an umbrella and his uniform and bag were wet.

"Hi. How can I help?" She asked while looking at him from head to toe.

"I'm sorry, young lady. But I have a mail for you..." The mailman said and took a mail from his bag. "Im sorry, but some of the mails were tampered. My bag got wet."

"Oh.." Max took the mail. The mailman handed over a form to her.

"Please sign over here."

Maxee took the form and saw her name on the list with a remark RETURN TO SENDER

"Return to sender?" She asked after signing the form."

"Yes, miss."

"But I didn't send anything. Not for as long as I can remember." Maxee looked at the envelope. The name of the recipient was tampered and she couldn't read the details anymore. But she saw from the upper right of the envelope, her name and address were written with her own penmanship. The date was above, it was created 1 week ago.

"Will you just double check, miss? I make no mistakes. By the wy, I have to go. thank you!"The mailman waved at her as he left.

Maxee suddenly felt curious ad puzzled. It indeed was her penmanship but she couldn't recall writing to someone.

She took the paper with her as she went to her room and wrapped herself with her towel. She sat on the bed and opened the letter.


When I was younger, I told myself that when I found the one, I'll write him a letter. People in the earlier times in 80's did sort of things like that and I find it more romantic than the ways of communication in this modern generation. I know, you may not understand the things I'm saying. But anyway, I'm here, writing this for you.

I can still remember how we met. How much you annoyed me. How our friendship was unexpected and how it turned. And everything held me back from admitting that I'm having feelings for you. Well, for starters, we're worlds apart. Second, I knew you were gonna go someday. So maybe that's why I tried to ignore this feeling. I hate it when people leave. And it happens to me all the time.

But as we get along, I didn't even notice that I let my guards down. I forgot about the consequences of being attached to you. I didn't care how much time we have left. What really matters for me is that I'm with you.

I love you. I love it when you get overprotective. When you left your date just to pick me up, When you find me pretty even when i'm just on my old hoodie, when you tried to learn to sing just so you can serenade me, when you ask for a love advice from a 12 year old, when you get scared when you blush. I love you. I don't care if you're an alien. I don't care if you're from a different planet. I don't care if being with you means putting my life in danger. I just love you. And I can't imagine waking up one day and not being able to see you again. So please, stay with me.


"this looked exactly like my handwriting... Is this a prank?"

***** E N D O F B O O K 1*****

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