Chapter 9

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*Ava's POV*

When Xander asked to talk to me I suddenly felt goosebumps all over. I mean I've been crushing on this hot guy for a while now and suddenly he wants to have a talk. It can only mean one thing right, I checked to see if I'm dressed appropriately, I don't even know why that thought would cross my mind honestly.

As soon as we were seated and he started talking about how much he likes me and how he feels a pull between the both of us I totally agreed, the past few weeks I've wanted nothing but to be near him, feel his presence, at some point I even found myself wondering about steamy things which made me blush each time. I was a 17 year old who has her very first crush.

Then things took a turn, he kept quiet like he zoned out, I didn't understand what was happening so I just kept calling his name

"Xander! Xander what's happening"

"go inside the house" he said after a while, at that moment Kayla came running and she tried to lead me towards the house but something kept holding me back. I couldn't just leave, something was telling me to stay right where I was so I did, much to Kayla's disapproval, she wanted me to keep walking and I almost gave in until I heard a sound of bones twisting and breaking, I looked back and couldn't believe what I was seeing with my own eyes, Xander was transforming into something, I couldn't tell what it was until he was done, he changed into a wolf, a brown wolf, at that moment I couldn't help but scream.


After finally managing to drag me in the house Kayla sat me down on the couch, I was too shocked to say anything. What did I just see, how is this possible. Am I dreaming, did I just enter one of  my fiction novels, yes that must be it. I read too much fiction novels and now I'm experiencing side effects, it's the only logical explanation.

"Ava... What you just saw... You weren't supposed to find out like that"  Mrs Knott finally broke the silence

"You mean it's really happening.. Xander just changed and became a wolf, for real?"

"yes honey.. He was going to tell you the truth about himself... About our kind but unfortunately a threat approached and he had to act quickly"  she answered

"wait...Your kind? All of you? Kayla"  I asked as I turned to look at her.

"yes Ava... I'm a werewolf. Along with my parents and big brother... And a lot of people at school and in this town too" she quietly said


"him too" and then the silence took over again

After a few minutes I spoke up "how is this possible", at this point Mr Knott took it upon himself to explain the werewolf history to me and how each pack has an alpha.. And that Xander is now the alpha of this pack.

Even after the explanation I got I still felt so confused and scared and as though she was reading my mind Mrs Knott came to sit next to me

"Ava, werewolves are peaceful animals, they don't just go around attacking humans just as they've been portrayed to be like in fictional stories. We only attack when necessary, like right now, the rogues came to cause trouble and in order to keep the pack safe Xander and the other werewolves must do everything to keep the rest of us protected.

"what's he going to do to them" I asked and nobody was willing to answer my question until his dad spoke up

"he's going to kill them... But only because he has to" my eyes went wide like they were going to pop out any second now.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but believe me it will make sense as time goes, you will learn everything there is to know about our kind as you have to" he said

"I have to?"

"I think it's only fair to let Xander explain the rest of this to you. He might be out for a while, why don't you go settle in for now" he said

Kayla took me upstairs and ran a bath for me, the warm water felt so good against my skin, I was calming down too, trying to take in everything that had happened. How could this be true. I had so many questions and Xander, I hoped he was safe wherever he was, though I was conflicted with the thought of him killing someone else, or another wolf, whatever they are...

After getting out of the bathtub I went to Kayla's room and put on my pajamas and gown, I got on the bed and took a pillow to hold on too, just then Kayla turned to come sit with me

"I'm sorry Ava, I never wanted this to get between us... We've become so close, you're my best friend.... I don't know how I'll cope if you decide to cut me off"

I looked at her and wanted to say something but the words just would not come out, my mind was processing a lot of things at once but when I saw the sadness in her eyes the only thing I managed to do was to reach out for her hand and squeeze it, that seemed to give her hope.

After what seemed to be ages of sitting in silence there was a soft knock on the door, Kayla went to open and Xander came in, he had changed his clothes from earlier and did not even show signs of being hurt. He seemed like a normal guy again, a normal human.

That just added on to my confusion. Kayla let herself out to give us some space and Xander took a chair from her dresser and he came to sit next to me. He tried to reach for my hand but I pulled away, I guess I was still scared. Then he started

"I'm ready to answer all your questions"

Beauty and the Alpha [BEING REWRITTEN] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz