Chapter 13

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I managed to ignore the urge to see Xander. I had to stay strong, to know exactly what it is that I want to do. I managed to ignore the Knott siblings for  a few weeks, my frustration was growing and I was also missing Kayla. During the week my mom had told me that she's going to be away for the weekend, she was attending a workshop and she would be gone from Friday to Sunday.

I woke up Friday morning to prepare for school, I chatted a bit with my mom, helping her double check if she has everything she needs for the weekend then headed to school. My day was pretty much the same, going through classes, hanging with Zayne then heading home. I would run into Kayla at school but we kept it simple, none of us was brave enough to start the conversation that was hanging over our heads.

I decided to put an end to it on Friday and asked her to come over for a sleep over, I needed my friend back, wolf or not. She was so excited that she made it to my house two hours after we left school.

"I've missed you" she said as she rushed to hug me "I thought you really walked out of my life"

"I wouldn't do that Kay, I just needed time to process things"

"does this mean you've decided on what to do with Xander"

"I'm not there yet... But how is he" I asked as I closed the door behind me and led her to the living room and we sat on the couch

"honestly, he's not doing well.. And the pack is starting to notice that there's something off with their alpha. He's really having it hard...Not to say that you have it easy ofcourse"

"It's ok. I get it. I've been miserable for the past weeks. But this weekend I don't want to dwell on that, I want to catch up with my bestie and have fun" with that we picked out a bunch of movies and series we would watch the entire weekend while in our pajamas, we made popcorn got some drinks and relaxed, this weekend was about just us two

We ended up sleeping at 3 a.m. on Saturday morning, we had so much to catch up on and so many movies to watch. I was partly at peace, I still missed Xander. We woke up at 11:30 and took turns to bath then got into fresh pairs of pajamas

"I love pajamas for one simple reason, they are comfortable" Kayla said as we went to make some pancakes in the kitchen

"I know I said this weekend I don't want to talk about Xander but I miss him Kay, hell we never even started dating but I miss him so much"

"It's the mate pull, and its only going to get worse if you two spend much more time apart"

"is it also the mate pull that makes me dream of  him, you know... In a kind of way"

"whoah! Ok TMI, I don't even want to think of you guys in that position pleaseee" we both let out a  laugh but it was cut short by a phone call. I couldn't hear what the person on the other end was saying but judging from Kayla's response and expression, something was definitely wrong.

"I have to go Ava, I'm sorry" she said after hanging up

"what's wrong?

" there was an attack last night. Xander got hurt I need to go"

"wait, I'll come with you" I said without thinking " let me just get my bag" we quickly went into my room and Kayla started packing while I took a few things too, not knowing if I'd be back that night or the following day.

Dylan came to fetch us, I took the back seat while Kayla took the passenger front seat. He seemed a bit surprised to see me

"Kayla, Luna" he said as a greeting and I didnt even have the energy to correct him, the only thing on my mind was Xander.

"how bad is it, how did this happen?" Kayla asked

"he's been distracted lately so it made it easy for the rouges to attack while we were fighting... He's injured a lot but his wolf is doing his best to heal him

Distracted... It's my fault he couldn't focus, if he didn't have a distraction none of this would have happened, I did this to him. I tried to keep the tears from coming out but I couldn't. "he's strong, he's going to recover" Dylan continued.

The rest of the drive was silent until we got to Kayla's home,I had mixed feelings about being here. The last time I set foot here I ended up seeing things I never knew existed and from there my life has never been the same again but either way I dragged my feet and entered the house.

We went to the living room where Mr and Mrs Knott were sitting anxiously waiting for the doctor to update them, when Mrs Knott saw me she immediately stood up and embraced me so tightly "I'm glad you came dear, he needs you now more than ever" I didnt know how to respond so I just offered a small smile.

Kayla then came in with Dylan just as the doctor was also coming in the living room. "Ava this is doctor Grant, our pack doctor" Mrs Knott said and he slightly nodded"

"the alpha's injuries are a lot deeper than expected, it will take a few days for him to be completely healed, losing a lot of blood also led to him being unconscious so it will take some time for him to wake up, a few hours roughly but beyond that he should be fine"

We all breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was going to recover was enough then the doctor continued "another way of helping him is if the Luna spends some time with him, her presence will give him and his wolf something to fight for" at this point everyone was looking at me, this is seriously not how I thought my weekend would go

"If you're not ready you don't have to" his father said, trying to ease the tension

"no, it's ok... I'll go" I said as Kayla began to lead me to the room he was in, I took in the sorrounding, it was twice as big as my own room but the only thing I could focus on was the man on the bed, sleeping with a bandage around his waist, I tried fighting off the tears as I walked to him and knelt right besides him.

I couldn't understand how I can possibly be feeling so much pain

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