Chapter 30

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*Ava's POV *

There's something bittersweet about change, it's great and scary at the same time. It's like knowing you have to grow but the conditions that come with growing are bittersweet. Never did I think I'd have to leave home so soon, even though I was happy to be moving in with Xander. I would miss my mom. It was a month  and two weeks after  I was introduced to the pack and I was done with my exams, it was officially holiday time

"I'm going to miss you mom" I said as she was helping me pack my clothes

"I'll miss you too...but I sense that's not the only thing bothering you"

She always managed to read me "I'm just... I don't know mom.. What if things don't work with Xander, what if it all becomes overwhelming and I can't handle it"

"then you can always come back home" she joked "but seriously honey, everything will work out. If you were able to even get this far then you can surely hold this down, I know how tenacious you are, especially with things and people that mean the most to you. But still, if Mr Alpha turns out to be an ass you'll always be welcome here, this is your home"

Her words soothed my heart. I was really doing this and needed to stay positive in order to make this a success. I didn't have much to pack, just my clothes, shoes and books, I laughed as I packed my books, who would have thought that I'd one day live a life I always thought was fiction.

Honestly I'm proud of how I've managed to keep it together, I've never been one to back down on a challenge and I'm not about to start now.

*Xander's POV* *

I arrived at Ava's house to help her transport her things to our house. Our house. Im so happy she finally came around. Eleanor too, I honestly didn't think she would let Ava go without a fight and as much as I'm an Alpha this is one thing I have no control over. I had to go with what Eleanor said even though it wasn't what I wanted. I owe her that much respect.

I parked outside and made my way to the house, somewhat feeling nervous,not knowing what Eleanor would say even though Ava assured me that she was ok. I knocked and Ava opened for me

"hey, come in" she smiled

I got on and found Eleanor in the living room sorting Ava's boxes, she didn't have a lot of things that she was taking with her.

"good afternoon miss Anderson"

"hey Xander, how are you?"

"I'm well thanks and yourself?"

"I'm ok, given the circumstances... My only child is moving out so its kind of a sad feeling"

"I promise I won't keep her from you, I'd never want to come between you two" I said and she just nodded. Just then Ava showed me the things that needed to go to the car and I started taking them. After a while we were done and Ava was double checking if she did not leave anything important in her room and I was left with Eleanor

"Take care of her Xander... She's my precious jewel" Eleanor said in a low voice

"I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep her happy and safe, she's my first priority and just knowing that you were able to look past what I am.. Where I'm from and give Ava and I a chance, it really means a lot. So I won't disappoint you or her"

"I trust you won't" she offered a smile as Ava came back in the room

"I'll wait in the car" I said as I wanted to give her space with her mom, looking back I saw them embracing each other. I knew that this would be a huge adjustment for my mate and I needed to do everything I could to make her feel comfortable in her new home.


*Ava's POV*

Xander and I arrived to what I was to call my new home, I helped him offload and put the boxes and bags in our bedroom, I waz to tired to unpack, all I wanted was to put my legs on the table and relax as I sat on the couch in the living room.

"let's order some pizza, I think we've both had a long day to be slaving off in the kitchen" Xander said as he went online to order pizza

"Yea it's been a long day, I just wanna eat shower and sleep"

"I understand, it's been a busy day"

Once our pizza arrived we ate and I went upstairs to shower, just as I was still taking in the hot water the shower door opened

"I thought we could shower together, you know, save water and stuff" he said as he entered, I don't even know how the save water logic worked because we ended up taking so much time in the shower.

We got up and got in our pajamas and laid in bed, this was my new life, part of me couldn't believe it yet. I was happy I was done with school but I was about to start brand new schooling as early as tomorrow, I was meeting with Rosette for my Luna training. I was really looking foward to it especially since I would be learning from Rosette.

A few minutes after having small talk with Xander I dozed off to dreamland feeling a sense of contentment

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