Chapter 11

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When I walked in the house I wasn't ready to even see my mom. How do I react after last night. I feel like a different person, so much has happened in a very short space of time,hours to be precise. I found my mom watching TV in the living room and I knew ignoring her would only make her ask me many questions so I put on my poker face, took a deep breath and walked in

"morning, you're back early" she said as she looked up

"Yea I'm not feeling too well, I think I'm coming down with a cold so I want to rest a bit before going to school on Monday"

"oh sweety, I'll go get you some meds from the pharmacy soon, get some rest I'll make you something to eat"

"I already ate at Kayla's place. I just want to rest a bit"

" ok, I'll step out soon to get your medication"

With that I walked to my room, stripped off my clothes and put on my pajamas and got on my bed. I just wanted to forget everything for a while so I forced myself to fall asleep.

I woke up later Saturday evening when my mom knocked on my door "Ava honey, there's someone here to see you"  I quickly narrowed it down to who it could be. I didn't have many friend's, Zayne was still keeping his distance a bit so it had to be Kayla or Xander, if it was Kayla mom would have let her in the room so it can only be Xander. Just the thought of him being here made me so nervous

"I'll be out in a bit" I put on my gown and sleepers, fixed my hair a bit then opened my door, I walked to the living room and heard a male voice but it didn't sound like Xander, I walked in and found one of Xander's friends... Dylan I think.

"I'll let you guys chat, I'll be in my room if you need anything" my mom said as she gave me a look as if to tell me I have some explaining to do, I just forced a smile.

As soon as my mom was out of sight Dylan stood up and started "Luna, I'm sorry to bother you"

That term made me uncomfortable and the last thing I wanted was for my mom to hear whatever Dylan had to say so I suggested we go talk outside

We walked a bit further from the house until I was sure my mom couldn't hear us even if she tried "what's going on?"

"Luna... I.."

" please call me Ava" I said with an almost harsh tone

"Ava, I know with everything that's happening you're confused, you've just learned of a world you never even imagined exists in real life, but I can assure you. We werewolves are not savage animals, we are actually very peaceful, as for Xander. He's as kind as any Alpha can get, I'm not saying this because he's my best friend but he's also my Alpha meaning I've seen him lead ever since his dad retired, even before that"

" why are you telling me this Dylan?"

"because I want you to understand that this isn't a death warrant, and that my friend really loves you, he wants to be with you... Kayla also doesn't want to lose her friend as well.. If you agree to this we will all be your support system we will help you Lu-Ava"

"I don't know, it's too much to take in"

"I know but the worst thing you could do is too shut him out, not only will it torture him but it will torture you as well, you will start missing him if you haven't started already, you will feel like you're losing it. Your days will be torture without him"

"but I can't just continue like its nothing, I need to work it out. On my own before I can even think  of letting Xander in"

"I understand, I'm not here to pressurize you. I just want you to know you're not alone, even though Xander might kill me the minute he smells your scent on me" he chuckled but I can't bring myself to laugh seeing he really did do some killings earlier

"sorry, bad joke" Dylan said when he noticed I wasn't laughing

"It's ok, besides, I don't think your own best friend would harm you"

"all werewolves  tend to get jealous and possessive of their mates, they don't want any males around their mates, with alpha's it's ten times worse, I wonder how Xander has managed to contain himself"

This statement got me thinking, could it be the reason why Zayne suddenly changed towards me. Did Xander scare him off, the thought pissed me off. I've never liked having my life controlled and it seems he's been doing so.

"are you ok?" Dylan asked when he saw my expression change

"Yea I'm good, just tired, strained. But thanks for coming by, I really appreciate it Dylan" I offered a small smile. We said our goodbyes and I headed back in the house knowing that 99 questions await me.

"so, are you going to tell me who that was" my mom asked when I tried to dodge her and go to my bedroom.

"that's a friend, a mutual friend between kayla and I, she asked him to check on me seeing he was around the neighborhood"

"You guys were talking for a while and it seemed tense" she pressed

"It's nothing mom, he was just checking on me that's all. I promise"

"are you sure he's just a friend. I mean you'll be turning 18 soon.. I wouldn't be surprised if you've started dating"

"Dylan is not my boyfriend mom, I don't have a boyfriend ok, he just came to check on me that's all. Please"

With that she dropped it and told me to sit down while she finishes making supper. What has become of my life.

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