Chapter 10

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I sat there wondering where to start. There's so much I wanted to ask, to know but part of me was afraid and still in denial, this could all be a bad dream. I'll wake up and find that it never ever happened.

" your father explained most of the things to me... But there's stuff that he said would be better explained by you". He simply nodded and kept his eyes focused on me as if trying to figure out what I'm thinking so I just continued talking

"so, what did you do to the rogues?"


"please, don't spare me.. I need you to be real with me"

He hesitated for a while but continued "I killed them"

I nodded and continued with my questions. "so you just took interest in a human, wouldn't it be better to be with a fellow werewolf?"

"I didn't choose to fall for you. To be honest I wasn't even expecting it but as werewolves we grow up knowing that one day we will meet our mate and we will be bound for life. When I met you for the first time and I looked you in the eyes, my wolf and I instantly knew that you're the one, you were made for us and only us"

"how does all of this work, how is it different to normal dating"

"well for starters, we can't just wake up one day and decide that we are breaking up, like I said, this is a lifetime thing. It's rare for the moon goddess to grant a second chance mate"

"why do I feel so attached to you, I feel the need to have you close to me all the time"

I swear I saw a  bit of a smile before he answered this question "it's what we call a mate pull, the minute we find each other it starts forming, it only gets stronger by the day, we can't escape each other even if we wanted to, you'll always have a longing to be with me and I with you, to which will lead to us completing the mating process where our mate bond will be formed"

"mating process?"

"uhm yea... I'll have to mark you on your neck to show that you are mine then we will have to mate.. You know... Sexual intercourse. That will be us creating our bond, becoming one, for life"

When he mentioned this I suddenly felt shy and somehow this amused him as he tried to fight his smile "more like a marriage?"

"yes, once we have completed the mating process I will have to introduce you to the pack as their Luna, but they might start addressing you as the Luna the minute they find out you're my mate"

The thought of such responsibility scared me, I'm only 17 years old, how can I be tasked with looking after a wolf pack, to top it off im HUMAN! How messed up can this get. As if sensing my worries Xander continued

"my mother will help train you, as she is a former Luna, she will teach you everything you need to know about our kind and our pack but I promise you I will be with you, I will protect you"

"What happens if I feel like I can't do this" at this question I see him tense up and I see a hint of anger on his face

"you'll have to formally reject me, you'll have to say it out then our mate pull will be destroyed. You might be able to move on from me but it won't be the same and to be honest I don't think I can accept your rejection Ava"

There was a moment of silence again, I was taking in everything that he told me, I still had so many questions so we stayed up chatting until 2 am, Kayla used the guest bedroom and let us use hers, soon I was so exhausted then Xander left me to rest. I literally hit dreamland the minute I put my head down on the pillow.
When I opened my eyes the sun was already out and it was penetrating the room through the window. I laid still, wondering if last night was a dream, maybe I did come for a sleep over but non of the crazy stuff really happened in real life, maybe the Knotts are not werewolves, my best friend is human just like me. I must have been imagining things, damn I really need to lay off on the fiction stories now they are messing up with my mind.

All doubt about last night's events were erased when Kayla entered the bedroom. Her face told me that what happened is real, all of it. I wasn't imagining it.

"so it's real..." I said, not really sure if that was a question or a statement

"Yea... It is.. I'm still sorry you had to find out like that, Xander had it all planned out. He was going to let you in our world in his own pace, not the way it happened last night"

"I don't know how I feel about this Kayla, it's a huge responsibility and I'm only a teenager, a human teenager. How do I navigate life through this? "

"the fact that you're asking those questions instead of storming out shows that something in you knows you're meant to be with my brother Ava, you're meant to be the Luna of our pack, an alpha's mate... But ofcourse it will take time"

All I could do was shrug, this was a lot to take in and honestly I just wanted to go home, be in my own space. After bathing we went down for breakfast, it was awfully quiet, until I decided to speak up

"I know I was only supposed to leave tomorrow, but I'd like to go home today... After breakfast"

"ofcourse, we understand dear, you had a rough night. I'm actually suprised you didn't demand to be taken home same time" Mrs Knott said

After eating breakfast I went to pack my bag in Kayla's room. Just as I was busy Xander came in.

"You're getting ready to go"

"Yea... I just need time to process everything, I'm better off at home.. Not that your parents haven't been welcoming"

He took a step foward and I could feel his hard chest behind me, he put his hands on my arms and rested his forehead at the back of my hand as if taking in my scent and smelling my hair

"I'll wait, I'll be patient, I'll be there to answer all your questions, I'll look out for you, I'll give you space... But the one thing I will not be able to do is to let you walk out of my life, I need you, my wolf needs you, my pack needs you.. I can't accept defeat and let you out of my life"

He then put his hands on my waist and hugged me from behind and buried his face on my neck. It honestly felt so good, I had no fear, I wanted to stay like that a bit longer, I felt like I belong there, with him but for now I need to figure out exactly what this is and if I really can live this kind of life.. I need to figure this out. Alone

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