Chapter 16

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I spent the following day thinking about what Xander had told me, it was honestly starting to get tiring, thinking thinking thinking, that's all I seem to do these days. Everything I do during the day, there's always that nagging thought.

Thursday evening I decided that I was done thinking. I needed to get on with my life no matter how scary it seems, so I called Xander and asked him to meet me at the  park then I told my mom I'm just going to take a walk then jog back.

When I got to the park Xander was already there standing next to his car

"hey, I hope I didn't make you wait for long"

"I've been waiting for weeks.. What's a few more minutes" he said with a slight smile

"I've made up my mind.. For real this time.. I want us to try, no more holding back"

"you have no idea how happy that makes me, I know you already said it before but I didn't want it to be because you saw me at my weakest after the attack"

I took a step closer, suddenly feeling very brave and I put my hands around his neck and stood on my toes so I could be at eye level with him, then I leaned in to kiss him, soft and slow, still feeling a bit shy ofcourse but he spinned me around and my back was now against the car as he ran his hands all over me and held me tight like I was going to run from him.

After a while we pulled away but he still had his hands around my waist while I held on to his arms "so this is it. We are doing this"

"yes.. All the way"

" meaning you need to talk to your mom, make her understand that you'll be spending more time with me and the pack"

"Yea, I've been dreading that.. But I'll do it.. As soon as I get home, by the way.. You never told me where you live"

" you mean our house" he smirked "it's not far from my parent's house. How about we go there tomorrow"

"I'd love that my Alpha" I teased, I really don't know what was going on with me, it's like I was becoming a different person, more brave. I was even enjoying teasing him. Something the old Ava would never do. I felt so drawn to him, each day it takes me by suprise and it doesn't help that he is so good looking.

He drove me home and I didn't waste anymore time, I needed to talk to my mom before I got cold feet. When I stepped in the house my mom gave me a look "I see Kayla's brother dropped you off again"

"uhm yes.. Actually.. I need to talk to you about that"

"yes, ofcourse.. You know you can tell me anything"

"it might sound a bit crazy, but I need you to listen and trust me.. And lastly please don't freak out"

"Are you pregnant!"  she said with her eyes wide open

"what,No... Ofcourse not"

"ok, sorry... Continue"

"ok... So, for the past weeks, something changed in my life.. Uhm, I've kind of been seeing Xander"

"oh, ok.. Well I kind of suspected that you guys might be dating.But then what about that guy who came to see you the other time"

"that's his friend, he was really just checking on me.. Nothing more" she just nodded then I continued

"so, the thing is.. My relationship with Xander isn't really a normal kind of relationship... It's a bit complicated"

"Is he some kind of thug?" she interrupted

"mom please! I'm already having trouble saying this out loud and if you keep interrupting I'll get cold feet and I really need to be honest with you" at this point my heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and I felt like I was about to have a runny tummy.

I continued " mom...Xander is not like us... He is of a different kind, what I mean to say is... He's a werewolf"  there, I said it, it can go either way now. Her face suddenly changed. She looked at me like in crazy then she burst out laughing

"I knew all those books were going to have an effect on you, but I never expected it to be this severe"  I just looked at her with a straight face to show my level of seriousness then she continued "wait, Ava! You actually believe that werewolves exist"

"Yea, if you had asked me before I met Xander I'd probably have the same reaction as yours. But its real mom, I saw it with my own eyes, he shifted right in front of me" her eyes were then filled with terror

"what!How is that possible"
I tried explaining to her how its in the bloodline and goes way back but ofcourse I was still trying to understand this myself.

"so what does this mean for you.. A wolf and a human"

"well, apparently we were brought together by their moon goddess.." I took the time to explain the whole mate thing, I tried my best to make her understand how it works, leaving out the explicit part obviously

"wow...Ava...I don't know what to say, it's so unreal.. Yet you're now in the middle of it. You've rendered me speechless"

"for the first time in 17 years" I joked trying to lighten up the mood but she was too freaked up to laugh, none of this was a laughing matter, she had just found out her daughter is destined to be with a werewolf, not just a werewolf but and alpha at that. It sounded crazy and honestly if this wasn't happening to me I'd think it's just a sick joke that someone made up.

We remained silent while I let her digest everything I told her then she finally spoke

"You need to break it off with him!"

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