Chapter 17

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"You need to break it off with him"

Of  all the things I was expecting to hear from her, all the ways I imagined she would react to this, never did I think she would tell me to end things with Xander

"what do you mean?" I asked in a low voice, not wanting to start a fight with my own mother, Lord knows I have so much respect for her

"You need to stay away from him. If he really is an animal-"

"werewolf" I corrected her

"If he really is a Werewolf then you need to stay away from him. Who knows how dangerous these things are, hell it doesn't even sound real, so no. You're not going to get yourself mixed up in some suspicious unnatural things"

"mom, if they were really harmful don't you think I'd be dead by now" as I said these words I remembered the rogues, she was right, I was entering into a scary side of life but for some reason I didn't feel so scared, call me naive or stupid but I believed I'd be safe, the werewolf community seemed and felt homely for me, as crazy as it sounds

"Ava, you are going to stay away from him. You are human, you're meant to be with fellow humans. Not animals or werewolves or whatever you call them!" now she was really getting heated up

"and you're only 17,how the hell are you supposed to be a leader, a mate as you say. You've never even been in a serious relationship but you suddenly want to commit to a lifetime thing.. With an unnatural being"

"Xander is a decent being, a decent werewolf.. If you give him a chance you'd see it"

"I'm sure he is decent but I don't want him around you. It's time you make some normal friends, I will not accept  you telling me you're with an animal... It's unheard of!"

"just because you aren't familiar with something doesn't mean it's wrong mom" I could hardly finish that sentence as I was now on the verge of tears.

"I will not accept it Ava, had I known that this move will get you mixed up in all of this I would have just declined this job offer and stayed where we were"

And just like that the conversation was terminated, I went to my room and stayed there for the rest of the night. How was I supposed to do this without her blessing and support, she's always been there for me, through it all and now I felt so alone, I later decided to text Xander as I knew he was waiting to hear how it went with my mom


"she's not happy about us, is she"

"how did you know?"

"" I can feel your sadness, one of the effects of our mate pull"

"so you can feel my emotions?"

"and read your mind too....."

"are you serious?"

"yes.. You'll learn more as we get go?

" about that, Xander She's not happy "

" I understand, I mean I can only imagine the fears she has, and what it must have taken to actually convince her that im a werewolf"

"she's taking it hard.Harder than I thought, she wants us to break up...She ordered me to stay away from you"

"no Ava... That can't happen.. I need you and letting go right now is not an option"

"I know, I'll keep trying to convince her but it's going to be hard... But I'm not leaving you.I promise"

"I'll do anything to keep you safe Ava"

"I know, let's talk tomorrow"

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I waited for my mom to leave before I stepped out of my bedroom, I really didn't feel like getting into it so early in the morning. When I was all done I headed out and passed by the kitchen, she left a note next to the apple bowl "I know you don't understand but I'm only looking out for you, one day it'll make sense. Love mom"

The note only made me sad, I hate fighting with her and I've always avoided situations that will lead to fights but I couldn't back out of this one, I had to find a way to convince her one way or another. I had to think of something

During break time at school I had lunch with Kayla and I just needed to relieve some of my worries " I don't know how to convince my mom to let me be with Xander"

"maybe try talking to her again.. Understand that this is still a shock for her, just as it was a shock for you when you found out, remember you needed time to process it. She's probably going through the same thing you went through and for her it's worse because it's her daughter that's in the midst of it all"

"you're right, I'll be patient. Hoping she will come around" somehow I didn't even believe my own words. My mom always stood by her word, it would take a lot to convince her to accept Xander and let him be in my life.

When I got home later I still didn't feel like talking so I locked myself up in my room and sat next to the window watching the view. I had so many things going on in my head I wished I could just switch off for a while. As I was still focused on the view outside I had a deja vu moment where I swear I saw an animal shadow quickly pass by.

Could it be Xander... But no, he would have told me if he was going to come by. But if it isn't Xander, then who else is lurking near my house and what do they want from me...

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