Chapter 39

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*Ava's POV *

I went back in to take a shower and slipped into my tracksuits and sneakers and went downstairs to meet with Dylan, its was still a mess but the pack fighters were busy cleaning up

"talk to me" I said with my arms crossed on my chest, seeing dead wolves gave me shivers and reminded me that I killed someone today, and what's worse is that I don't know how I feel about that

"none of our members are dead although some are injured but they will be ok"

"Alpha Leo's fighters?"

"they are all good"

"do we know who it was?"

"we caught two of the attackers, they are locked in our packcells, I can take you there right now"

Dylan led me to a building which was covered up by trees, I had never been there before but knew what it was. When we entered there were two guys there who were put in different cells, they were just sitting still and looked up when we walked in, there were three guards on duty as well

I took a closer look at the guys, they looked just about the same age as Xander and Dylan "who are you? " I started and they both ignored me so I changed my question "who sent you?"

They just glared at me and ignored me. "The Luna is asking a question!" Dylan snapped

"we don't answer to humans" one of the guys responded

Just then Dylan opened the cell, got in and grabbed the guy by his neck "now.. Listen to me and listen carefully, no one disrespects my Luna, especially in my presence. So why don't you be a good boy and answer her questions"

The guy was gasping for air but the anger I felt wouldn't allow me to sympathize, we were ambushed, they had a plan to kill us.. To kill me, for all I know what happened to Xander could be their fault. I fumed when I thought about it

"I'll ask one more time now and you better answer or he will snap your neck, understood?"

The quy quickly nodded and Dylan removed his had letting him fall on the ground

"I'm from the waning gibbous moon pack,  I was tired of living by my Alphas rules so me and some pack guys decided we need to take over the leadership, screw the whole alpha blood thing. We would create our own destiny"

"so why this pack?"

"the pack was backup, after managing to kill my alpha at the council meeting, I found that the pack was basically good for nothing, they don't hold the power that we long for.. Then we remembered that alpha Xander of the crescent moon is basically dead and word got out that his mate is human so we thought you would be easy to get rid of"

"Xander is not dead you imbicile!" I snapped... And you thought wrong, being human doesn't make me weak. With that I turned to walk away and let Dylan deal with them appropriately, because they were involved in the  council meeting poisoning he had to report it to the council leaders though I saw he had a need to take care of them himself.

Three weeks

It's been exactly three weeks since I last saw Xander, since I last heard his voice, touched him, laid next to him but im not giving up on him. The last time I spoke to Mia she said there was no change so I came up with an idea.

Since the culprits were caught, surely Xander could be transported back home, where I could see him, be with him. Conscious or not. I just needed a way to convince the council

"if anyone can convince the council then it's definitely you" Dylan said while we were sitting in the living room "hell, you even stood up to a cruel cold Alpha, you secured more protection for the pack, you made sure we don't lose all our allies and also convinced me to start training the girls of our pack... You really have fought for the good of this pack and Xander will be so proud when he wakes up, now all you have to do is fight for him to be brought home"

"the fighting never ends does it"

"no, there's always something but it's what makes life more interesting"

"Yea, but what if he never wakes up again.. What if he's really gone and we are all in denial about it" I felt the tears close in as I thought of this

"don't think like that, you can't give up on him. The past weeks have been so hard on you but you soldiered on, surely you can keep going"

"you're right. Tomorrow I'll start preparing to meet with the council, hopefully they will see reason" with that I went to bed with an aching heart. Aching to a point where I even dreamed of Xander.

Dreaming of Xander wasn't an unusual thing, it happened a lot in the past few weeks but this dream felt so real, I dreamt he was there in the bedroom with me, caressing my face, smiling at me

"hey beautiful, I've missed you" gosh I even his voice sounded real, you know those dreams where you feel like you're awake but are infact sleeping, I attempted to wake up but my body was too tired so I fell into deep sleep again.

The next morning I opened my eyes and the sadness came flooding back, the heart ache. Last night's dream felt so real, I really miss him. Just then I felt warmness behind me and saw an arm around me which shocked me because I'm used to sleeping alone, I immediately turned ready to jump out of bed and run, just then I turned and got the shock of my life.

"Xander!" I yelled and he immediately got up and got in a sitting position "what... How" now the waterworks were starting

"hey, it's ok.. Don't cry" he said as he came closer and held me

"how.. When did you wake up?" I asked when I finally got my crying under control.

"a few days ago, I asked them not to notify you, I wanted to suprise you so I made it back last night. Only you were sleeping and looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you"

"a few days!!!! And you thought it's best to keep me in the dark" I cried

"I'm sorry beautiful. I just wanted to suprise you" he said still holding on

"I was so scared" dammit why can't I stop crying

"I know, I'm back now.. Back to you, to us"

After what seemed to be hours of cuddling he finally spoke "so I hear you're badass Luna of the crescent moon pack"

"don't believe everything you hear" I joked

"then why don't you tell me your version of events"

Just then I told him everything that happened since he was gone and even I couldn't believe I had lived through that "and all of this happened while I was in deep sleep. Wow" he exclamed.

After that we showered, ate and went to adress the pack, they were so overjoyed and overcome with emotion. Indeed his pack really loves him and I for one was glad to be stepping down from the alpha position because the real alpha was back.

My Alpha. My mate

Beauty and the Alpha [BEING REWRITTEN] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora