Chapter 38

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*Ava's POV *

On our way back I felt a sense of relief, atleast we managed to avoid a bloodshed situation, now if Xander can just wake up already.

"You did good Ava, I don't know many wars or attacks that have been stopped by just talking"

"I wasn't sure it would work but hey. Atleast he used his head and considered the safety of his pack"

"An alpha convinced by a Luna to back down, this must make it to the werewolves history books"

"don't forget to mention 18 year old human" I laughed.

We made it back home in an hour I  went straight home. I found Kayla, Richard and Rossette there, they had practically moved in and I really appreciated it.

Kyla was done with supper and we were sitting in the dining room eating

"so how did the meeting go? " Rossette asked

"it went well, he admitted to planning an attack but after I reasoned with him he agreed to back down"

"wow!  Exactly how did you manage to do that" Kayla asked and I took my time to explain everything to them including how taking one guard that isn't from our pack helped to show that we have outside support. They were all suprised

Richard laughed "See, I told you that the moon goddess makes no mistakes, she chose you for a reason, she knew you can stand and fight for this pack. Werewolf or not, you're the mother of the pack, you take after this lady here" he said as he winked and Rossette and she smiled

I had gotten so close to these two, seeing that my own mother was not with me and I wanted to do everything I could to protect her from the dangers that come with being involved with wolves, I felt that Richard and Rossette can relate better seeing they are werewolves and are Xander's parents.

The thought of Xander made my heart ache and Rossette noticed the change on my face "he will be ok honey, just keep believing"

"I know, I just miss him... And it would be a lot better to know that there is some progress with him but days keep passing and there's nothing, no change"

"he will pull through, my brother is the strongest guy I know" Kayla said a she stood up to collect the dishes

"I'll help you with that" I offered as I stood up

"you've been having it rough lately, you should rest" she said

"It's ok, it's just dishes. A lot better than dealing with a smug alpha" I joked and followed Kayla to the kitchen. She seemed a bit different, a little happier and it was so easy to notice because we've all been in a sour mood lately

"so, out with it" I said as I poked her with an elbow and she laughed

"out with what?"

"don't play dumb. Out with whatever is making you so happy"

She frowned "is it that obvious" she said suddenly blushing

"uhh yes, plus you're my friend so I'll definitely notice when something is up with you"

"ok.... So... I found my mate"

"what!" I almost screamed jumping up

"shhhhh, they don't know yet" she said referring to her parents

"who, when and where... Tell me everything"

"his name is Liam, from Alpha Leo's pack"

"wait.. Liam"  I tried to think where I heard that name "Liam, the same guy I left with earlier today?"

"yes, We met yesterday at training... It was like a dream Ava, it felt like I had been waiting for him all this time and ohh his good looks and hypnotizing eyes just drew me in"

"ok you're drooling" I joked and she just laughed

"I can't help but feel guilty though"

"why do you say that"

"with everything that's going on with Xander, should I be this doesn't feel right"

"is that why you haven't told your parents?"

She nodded

"hey, there's nothing wrong with being happy, this is your time, the time set for you to finally meet your mate and you should enjoy it. Both you and Liam, yes it's under unfortunate circumstances but I know Xander would want you to be happy. Your life can't stop because we are going through a hard time. Now embrace this moment"

"thank you Ava, I really needed to hear that"  I wiped my hands and reached out to hug her, our hug was cut short by a mindlink message from Dylan

"we are under attack!!!"

Just then Richard came in the kitchen and five guards followed behind him. Could alpha Damien have played me, even after I showed him how this would disadvantage him and his pack.. Is it even him or is it someone else.

The wolves around me started shifting and soon I was the only human in the house

"don't worry Ava, we will protect you"  Kayla mindlinked... Yea well it's kind of hard not to worry when the odds are against you, I mean in all honesty if the attackers came in I'd most probably be the first to die seeing I don't have supernatural powers

Before I knew it the house was sorrounded by wolves howling, it was the most piercing sound ever just before they charged in and a fight broke out, I ran to the kitchen drawers and found a sharp knife then I remembered Xander's words "when fighting with a wolf, stab his neck the quickly go for the heart, that will kill him"

Lord I hope I don't become a murderer tonight.

The others were occupied with fighting, the sound they were making were horrifying, just as I was still standing in one position, one wolf slowly made its way towards me, the hand that held the knife was tucked behind me and I was shaking so bad

As the wolf got closer I tried to run but it quickly tackled me to the floor and without thinking twice I stabbed it's neck, drew the knife out and went for the heart and it immediately fell on me, damn these animals are heavy.

I used all my strength to shove it off me and I got up and took off my shoes, damn heels. I looked at myself and I was stained in blood, luckily not mine. Just then another wolf charged at me but was quickly attacked by another one behind it

The fight went on as I went outside to see just how bad the situation was, there were wolves on the ground, lying there dead, some were still fighting  but soon it went quiet and a familiar wolf came up to me

"luna, are you OK"   it was Dylan's wolf

"Yea I'm good"  I saw him eyeing my blouse "it's not my blood" then he nodded and retreated, just then Rossette, Richard and Kayla came behind me and they had all changed clothes, I remembered that they had to shift in a hurry so they teared their clothes, I turned  to look at the dead wolves sorrounding me, it was a horrific sight to see and I was shaking while still holding the knife in my hand

"come, let's get you cleaned up" Rossette said as she reached for the knife and led me in the house.

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