Chapter 36

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*Ava's POV *

The next day I had to drag myself out of bed, even though I felt like I was dying inside I had to get up and show up for the pack. There were rumors but no one had confirmed anything with them yet so I had to adress them.

I took the longest shower then got out and looked for something to wear, I remembered one of Rosette's wise words "A Luna always shows strength,she never looks like her problems"

With That I took out a navy long sleeve dress and some black heels. I tied my hair in a bow and took my coat and handbag then headed downstairs. I found everyone eating breakfast and I joined them though I couldn't stomach anything so I settled for a cup of coffee.

"Are you ready to adress the pack?" Richard asked

"yes.. Just how much must they know"

"just that the alpha is in a comma due to poisoning, reassurance that nothing will change and their safety is a priority"

I nodded as I took a sip of my coffee. How could I possibly reassure so many people when I hadn't even seen Xander. I was only depending on hearsay. I excused myself to go call Mia

"Luna Ava, hi" she nervously said and I could help but wonder if it was due to our last chat before this or the situation in front of her was too bad

"hi Mia, how's it going"

" I went to check on the Alpha at the pack hospital... He's still unconscious... The doctor doesn't know when he will wake up" I sensed some hesitation in her voice which told me she had more to say

"what is it Mia?"

"well... The doctor isn't sure if the Alpha will wake up" she whispered

I felt a knot form on my throat but faught so hard not to give into tears, now isn't the time to break down. I need to stay strong and believe everything will be ok.

I hung up and updates the others then we headed out to go adress the pack, when we got to the pack house everyone was already at the back waiting anxiously. When they saw us approaching they quickly gathered and Richard, Rossette, Kayla and Zayne joined in the crowd leaving Dylan and I standing in front facing the crowd

I greeted then started "A few days ago the Alpha attended a council meeting and unfortunately during his stay there someone poisoned the food which was served to them and as a result there are Alphas who unfortunately succumbed to the poison and some who are in a comma, unfortunately Alpha Xander is one of the Alphas who are in a comma"

I had a lot of gasps at that time then continued "as his chosen mate I will be stepping in to his position until he returns, I just want to assure you that you are all safe, the Pack warriors will do everything to protect the pack against all threats that may arise due to to the Alphas absence"

I was honestly expecting them to show little faith in me but they showed the opposite, they even gave me strength and hope that I'll be able to manage until Xander gets back. Whenever that may be. Afterwards Dylan and I had a meeting with the pack warriors, we had to tighten security and expect just about anything to happen so everyone would have to work extra hard.
I spent the next few days traveling to the packs that we have an alliance with to be sure that the alliance still stands. In the wolf world alliance is very important and is held with high regard so I had to make sure that they still had our back should an attack on us be formed.

One of those packs was moonlight pack and I knew I was bound to run into Thomas, something I wasn't looking foward to after our last encounter. I was meeting with the current alpha Leo, Thomas's son. The guards ushered me in his office while Zayne and another pack guard that I came with waited outside.

"please come in Luna Ava, I've been waiting for your arrival"

"thank you" I said as he pointed at a chair and I sat on it

Alpha Leo had a very intimidating appearance, not too different from Xander but there was just this intimidating and cold thing about him which made me wonder if other people see Xander in this way.

"thank you for making time to see me"

"anything for my pack allies" he said with a small smirk

"I'll get right to it. As you know, the alpha of the crescent moon pack is currently in a comma, which leaves our pack at risk of being attacked"

"and you're here to get assurance that our alliance still stands" he cut me off

"correct" I said while maintaining eye contact, the one thing I love about my Luna status is that I could look Alphas in the eye and even if it pissed them off there's nothing they could do about it... Well except Thomas ofcourse

"well Luna, be rest assured that the alliance still stands, infact I'd be happy to send you back with some of my fighters for extra protection. I know you already have many of them but just incase"

" I appreciate that and so will the pack. Thank you for your kindness"

"It's nothing really, Xander and I are more than allies. We are close friends, surely you've seen the relationship between my father and his father. Whatever help you or your pack needs I'll do it"

"thank you, again"

"And I must say I'm impressed with how you're handling this, you're staying strong. Your aura radiates nothing but strength, Xander is very lucky"

Just then a brunette walked in with a coffee trey and she set it on the table " Luna Ava I'd like like you to meet my mate, Ivy. Sweetheart this is Luna Ava, Alpha Xander's mate"

She smiled and I could see in her eyes that she pitied me "the grand alpha has asked that you stay for supper, please agree" she looked at me with pleading eyes. Knowing Thomas, I wondered what kind of hell he was putting her through.

I ended up staying for supper, it wasn't bad, infact Thomas was treading carefully with me. Maybe he saw that I already have a lot on my plate. Either way I'm glad I secured the allies.... Now come what may.

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