Chapter 19

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*Xander's POV*

I was coming from a meeting with my beta at the pack house when I reflected on how my wolf has been restless all afternoon, his been wining a lot and I tried to ignore it seeing I was having a very busy day. When I got to my house just as I was about to get off the car Kayla called me.

"Xander, come home right now" she said with a nervous voice, I immediately got a sense that something is wrong

"what's going on"

"Ava's missing, her mom just called me. She says she didn't find her when she got home but the last time I saw her she was getting on the bus"

"ask dad to bring you to Ava's house, I'll meet you there" I didn't wait for her to respond. I immediately hung up and mind linked Dylan "meet me at Ava's house. She's missing"

I drove to her house as I tried to calm my wolf down, he was dying to come out and tear apart whoever took our mate but I couldn't lose control now, I needed to stay sane for Ava's sake.

When I got to her house I immediately stopped at her door, as I breathed in a familiar scent. Rogues, dammit.. How did they found out about her, I haven't even formally introduced her as the Luna yet. Although I know there's been talks about her and I.

While I was standing outside my parents and Kayla arrive at the same time as Dylan

"alpha. We will find her" Dylan said

"Damn right we will! Those rogues have crossed a line" I growled

My mother knocked and Ava's mom opened for us, she looked so tired and scared, her eyes held so much fear I could tell she had explored every worse scenario.

"Miss Anderson.Im sorry for what's happening but I promise we will do all we can to help" my father said, all she could do is nod

"please, call me Eleanor" she said as she waved for us to go into the living room

"My name is Richard Knott, this is my wife, Rosette, I believe you know Kayla" he said

I cleared my throat to speak "I'm Xander" she looked at me for a while, as though trying to read me, her eyes weren't filled with hatred, just fear. Dylan also went on to introduce himself

Eleanor explained what happened when she got home and how she tried calling Ava but couldn't reach her. As she was explaining my wolf lost it and I let out a very loud growl that seemed to startle her, Dylan whispered "alpha calm down, we will go looking for her" that was enough, I immediately felt my wolf take over but I was still in human form, I just stormed out of the house with Dylan right behind me.

*Rossette's POV*

After Xander's massive melt down I couldn't help but look at Eleanor and feel for her, she was going through so much. Her daughter was missing, and she just witnessed an animal take over a human although I was so greatful he didn't completely shift or that would have been worse.

"It's ok.. Ava told me about Xander" she quietly said and I felt a sense of relief as I now didn't have to think of a story to sell her"

"he is going to do everything he can to bring her back, everything" she immediately bust into tears, I could tell she was holding it in for long, all I could do was reach out and embrace her as she broke down in front of me, I was too familiar with danger, I had seen my son lay unconscious once but being a werewolf made me so brave but here was a human mom, worried sick about her daughter.

"I think I need to call the police now" she finally said

"uh, I don't think that will help" I said


"because she wasn't taken by humans" Richard said

"oh my God... No... " her eyes suddenly grew wide with terror

"we will find her, please trust my son will find her"

"she was taken by wolves? Why"

"we have wolves that are rogues, they don't belong to a pack, they are always looking to start trouble with a pack and they know the fastest way to penetrate a pack is through the alpha's mate. His only weakness"

"so you mean they will kill her just to hurt Xander?"

"it won't even get to that point. He will find her, please trust us" I said. I then stood up to get her some warm water with sugar just to calm her down, when I entered the kitchen I found Kayla in there lost in her own thoughts.

I embraced her "she will be ok honey"

"I should be out there mom, helping them, finding her"

"they are doing their best honey, when had your brother and the pack fighters ever failed"

"but she's alone mom. She's scared, not to mention she's a human sorrounded by ruthless wolves"

"I believe she's stronger than you think, there's a reason she was chosen to be a luna, the goddess wouldn't choose a weak person, she's strong Kayla and we need to believe she will make it through this in one piece, and alive"

"I hope so mom, for her sake, ours and her mom's, I don't think she would survive losing her one and only child"

"we need to have faith and trust that your brother will bring her back to us" I ended up making warm water with sugar for her too, she and Eleanor were breaking down in front of me, I needed to be their anchor, stand firm and be there for them while trusting that this will all be over soon

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