Chapter 21

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*Xander's POV*

The more time that passed the more my wolf got restless, which was an indication that Ava was giving up. The thought of her dying drove me crazy, I had to find her before those savages killed her and I was going to torture them exactly how they tortured her. Each one of them.

I divided the guards according to the three cabins that the dead rogue told us about, the first two groups reached the cabins and found nothing. Not even her scent so I was hopeful, thinking that she definitely had to be in the last cabin.

Zayne joined Dylan and I to go search in the third cabin. I could feel his anger radiating and honestly it made me a little jealous. I know he cares for my mate, he's the first person she befriended when she got here so obviously he'd be mad at the thought of her being tortured.

I decided that now was not the time to be jealous, I had to be focused. The main aim is to find Ava and it helps that I'm sorrounded by werewolves who want to find her as bad as I do. Upon reaching the cabin I realised that I couldn't smell her, her scent wasn't there which quickly concluded for me that she's not in the cabin but we broke in anyway just to be sure and just as I expected. We found nothing.

*Ava's POV*

I passed out while I was recieving a beating, my body just couldn't take it. A while later I woke up, my whole body was aching, whenever I drew in breath my chest hurt so bad, I could not stop my tears from running down my cheeks.

I couldn't understand what grudge these rogues have against Xander, why would they go to these lengths just to hurt him. At the thought of Xander I immediately felt a bit of faith, I knew I had to hold on, stay alive. Surely he's out there looking for me and I believe soon he will be able to find me.

The gang leader came in again, I was expecting to see his followers behind him but they weren't there "I told them to leave the face for me, I'm glad they listened" he said as he knelt in front of me and reached for my chin.

"You and I are still going to have fun, I'm still going to rearrange this pretty face. I want it to haunt him for the rest of his pathetic life"

"what did he ever do to you?" I asked

"he killed my brother, yes we were trespassing, yes we were stealing. Fuck! We wanted to screw up that bloody pack house, screw the rules! He didn't have to kill my little brother"

"So you're settling a score"

"You catch on quite fast sweetheart" he smiled "now, get some rest, my boys will be back soon for a second dance with you" he winked as he stepped outside

*Xander's POV* "

I didn't feel defeated when I didn't find her nd my wolf didn't want to turn back which told me that she has to be near so I told Dylan and Zayne that we are going to continue searching in that area, luckily our eyesight is perfect especially in the dark.

We continued our search until we discovered a hidden cabin, my wolf was now fighting to come out and in that moment I knew my mate is in there, the guys and I quickly stripped and shifted into our wolves and started talking through the mind link as to how we were going to attack.

My wolf didn't want to wait, he just wanted to burst in there and get Ava, we quietly approached the door and the closer we got I heard cries, I listened and heard my mate crying and begging them to stop whatever they were doing. At that moment the whole plan just blew off and I lost it. I stormed in and let out the loudest growl.

To our advantage the rogues didn't even get a chance to shift as we immediately attacked, two of them were taken down instantly and then it was three against one, something told me that he was the ring leader. I mindlinked Dylan and Zayne "get her out of here"

Dylan immediately reached for Ava and unchained her, he quickly shifted and carried her out. I got mad when I saw he was naked and carrying my mate, I was so greatful that she passed out during the attack. Zayne remained in the room waiting for my instructions "follow them" I said

"yes alpha"  he responded and exited. Then it was me and the ring leader. For some reason I didn't want to risk Ava see me killing someone. I didn't want her to ever see that side of me in fear that it would make her scared of me.

The minute we were alone I didn't even wait for any explanations, rage was driving me at this moment. I was seeing red. I wanted to see the bastard ripped to shreds, I wanted to snap his neck, not spare him any more breaths to take. I lunged towards him and he had the nerve to want to fight back but as the Alpha I had a lot more strength and him pissing me off didn't help either.

Within 2 minutes he was done with and I was walking out still in my wolf form, Zayne quickly handed me my clothes as I shifted back to my human form and went for my mate, her pulse was very weak so I carried her back to the pack house while I mindlinked the helpers and instructed them to prepare a room for her while Dylan mindlinked doctor Grant  to meet us at the pack house.

It was almost dawn when we arrived at the pack house. I took Ava to the room prepared for her and put her on the bed while I protectively watched over her, my wolf didn't want anyone near.

"Alpha, can I check to see how severe her injuries are? " doctor Grant asked in a low voice but I continued sitting there, daring anyone to come close to my mate

"Alpha please, she needs medical attention, the doctor won't harm her" Dylan said as he touched my shoulder

I finally stood up and made way for the doctor to check her

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