Chapter 32

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*Ava's POV*

I woke up at 5:30 a.m. Rosette had told me that the Grand Alpha wakes up very early and he expects to find breakfast ready, so I woke up and took a quick shower then headed to the kitchen, a few minutes later I was joined by Lindsey

"good morning dear" she said as she stepped in the kitchen

"Good morning grand Luna"

"please, call me Lindsey, I'm not as uptight as my husband" she laughed

I felt so relaxed and not out of place, which is crazy because I was in my own home but felt the need to tiptoe around my guests. Lindsey and I started making breakfast fit for a king, literally.

Chatting to Lindsey was very nice, she was nice and had a motherly aura, she didn't single me out because I'm human, like her husband. I cringe when I think of last night's dinner, it was the worst. He kept commenting on how im human and stuff, more like im stupid because I'm human and not a werewolf.

Just as we're setting up in the dining room he appeared, all formally dressed up and serious.

"good morning honey" Lindsey said as he kissed her on the cheek. So he can be warm and loving when he wants to, I internally rolled my eyes

"good morning grand Alpha" I said remembering not to make eye contact

"Good morning" he said as he took a chair and looked at the food that was there.

He suddenly had a dissatisfied look on his face " I don't see soft porridge here" he said with an annoyed voice

"I'm sorry, I didn't know... I'll make it for you now" I stood up kind of wishing he would say it's fine and just eat what we made but no he just kept quiet.

A while later I entered the dining room with a  tray that had a bowl of soft porridge and a spoon, I placed it gently in front of him and went to sit down.

"I was starting to think I'd die of hunger" he remarked and the next thing he did pissed me off to the last degree, he took only a few spoons of the soft porridge and pushed it aside and decided to help himself to some bacon and eggs.

I immediately felt anger rising within me, the old man literally made me cook porridge for him and didn't eat it. Not forgetting that I woke up so early in the morning to prepare breakfast for him.

While we were eating he started talking "so I hear Richard say you're headed to college"

"Yes, I'll be starting next year"

"why?" he asked

I was left confused. What did he mean why.

He must have seen my confusion so he continued talking "I mean, you have your hands full as a Luna of a pack. Why give yourself more work than you already have"

"I believe I'll manage, studying won't get in the way of me fulfilling my duties"

"I think its a waste of time, it's not like you'll ever need to use that qualification, as a woman your duty is to make sure the Alphas life runs smoothly, be his calm when he walks in the house after a long day at work, he provides and you take care of him unless if you humans do it differently "

I was out of words and I felt like if I respond I'll deliver some harsh words to his ears and the last thing I need is to embarrass Xander.

After breakfast I had to go with them to the pack house where we would meet Richard and Rossette, I honestly couldn't wait to have him off my case. Zayne drove us there and we soon reached our destination, as we were walking in the yard Mia approached us

She did a mini curtsey and greeted them, lord I don't know how many times I've internally rolled my eyes

"It's good to see you again grand Alpha and Luna" she said excitedly

"It's good to see you again too Mia" he responded with a friendly tone, oh so it's just me he doesn't like

"Luna Ava, good to see you too" she said  while glancing at me and I forced a smile and nodded

We went in the lounge and Mia followed me with drinks for the guests

"ah thank you Mia, if not for you we would die of thirst" Thomas said

"well it's a good thing you found me here, it's good to be around someone you're familiar with" Mia responded enjoying that Thomas was being cold towards me

"Ava had been a good host, I feel very welcomed in her house" Lindsey chipped in, it was the first time she was standing up for me and I was grateful to have someone in my corner, now if only Richard and Rossette could just get here already and take this big baby off my hands

Richard and Mia held their own conversations while I sat there feeling awkward, I started getting lost in my own thoughts, thinking about Xander and how much I wish he was here right now

"Are we boring you Luna?" Mia asked

"oh no, not at all I smiled"

"You know, I always thought you and Xander would end up together, watching you grow up I always envisioned the two of you running this pack" Thomas said while taking a sip of his drink.

This seemed to make Mia happy "well it seems the moon goddess had other plans, unusual plans of bringing a human to lead a wolf pack" she laughed

"maybe you could help teach her our ways, surely Xander would appreciate you educating your Luna"

Finally feeling like I can't take the insults anymore I opened my mouth to respond but someone beat me to it

"Ava has been doing an amazing job, she's dedicated to this pack and is fitting in very well" Richard defended me as he and Rossette walked in. Boy I've never been so happy to see them. Thomas went out with Richard and I was left with the ladies, and Mia ofcourse.

Rossette then took Lindsey to the garden and I was left with Mia

"so Luna, when is Xander returning" Mia asked

"in a few days"

"You must be lonely without him, you know when we dated I missed him all the time, but he always did these sweet gestures to make me feel loved" she said

"how nice"

"Yea his very nice.. And good too you know, when I think of our times together I get hot and bothered all over again"

"well atleast you have some memories to hold on to" I said

"Yea, surely he still holds on to them too, I mean I showed him the time of his life" she pushed and I finally gave in but before I responded I looked around and lowered my voice

"listen here Mia, I don't care that you used to fuck Xander, it happens, it's life and I can't change it but what I will not take is your disrespect, Im Xander's mate not you, you will respect that and speak about him with respect, you will show me respect as your Luna or we will have a problem, human or not, I'm still your Alphas mate, so stop being bitchy and move on, unless you'd like to find yourself in shit with the Alpha himself? "

" Xander would never..... "

I cut her off" are you sure? Can you really say that when it comes down to his mate and his former fuck buddy he will side with you? "

I got her good because at that moment she just glared at me and didn't say anything

" thought so, so from now on, you keep your fantasies about my mate to yourself and show some respect. Hold on to the little dignity that you have left" and with that I turned and walked away

Damn that felt so good!

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