Chapter 12

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*Xander's POV*

I was going through some paper work in what was now my office, work seemed to be the only thing keeping me from going insane. I know I told her I'd wait for her but my wolf was hearing none of it, he wanted her right then.

Just then my beta came in and I could already smell her scent on him, my wolf lost it. To be honest we both did, Dylan must have seen this because he immediately started shouting "chill out Xander! Nothing happened"  but by that time I already had him pinned on the wall with my hand around his neck.

He continued trying to talk "I... Just.. Went to see her". I let go of his neck and he fell off the ground but we both still felt the anger radiating through me

"It's only been a day and you're ready to kill someone, how will you cope if she takes months to accept you?"

"Do you have a death wish Dylan!"


"then start talking, why do I smell my mate on you!"

"I wanted to check on her, she is my future Luna you know, so I thought maybe if I spoke to her she would see that she's not alone, every werewolf her has her back... I went there for you, not just as my Alpha but as my best friend too"

"so, did it work?"

"honestly, I don't know. She's conflicted, confused, shocked. I think its still too soon to tell what she's thinking so maybe it is wise to let her process this on her own.. For now"

"Yea, thanks man.. And sorry about earlier"

"Yea well I knew what I was getting myself into when I went to see her"

*Ava's POV*

The week went by so quick, I went through the normal routine of waking up and going to school and coming back home, The Knott siblings were giving me my space and that came as a relief but I missed them, especially Xander, I wanted to see him, be around him. Damn this mate pull, how did my life get like this. The one time I like a guy he actually turns out to be a werewolf, not just a werewolf, but an alpha.

On Thursday while putting my books in the locker I saw Zayne approaching, I remembered my conversation with Dylan about how Xander could get possessive. I immediately knew that he had told Zayne to stay away from me, something I didn't appreciate

"hey you, you've become a stranger" I said while smiling at him

"uhh yea.. Just been busy, you know"

"Zayne, we have the exact same classes all day. Too busy to even hang for a few minutes without me bugging you to " he just kept quiet and avoided eye contact

"look, I know the real reason why you've been avoiding me"

"You do?" he asked with a shocked expression

"yes, and I want you to know that you and I can hang whenever, wherever.. You're the first person who welcomed me here, yes you're full of yourself and tend to be annoying at times but truth be told you're my friend, he can't control that"

"but he's the Alpha, do you know what will happen to me if I defy his orders and hang with you" he said in a low voice

"ok let's do this, I'll talk to him about it. Not ask him but tell him, it's my life, I decide who I want to be around. Now go, little miss redhead looks like she's about to pounce on me"

He turned and found his girlfriend starring at me "she really means no harm" he said nervously

"geez Zayne, what do you think I'll possibly do to her?"

He just shrugged and left me confused. When I got home I immediately took out my phone and texted Xander

"You can't decide who gets to be my friend and who doesn't"

"what do you mean?"

"I know about Zayne.. I don't appreciate you telling him to stay aways from me"

"I  don't want you around other males"

"so is this what life with you will be like?"

"ofcourse not, I'm not going to control you"

"yet you've already started"

Then it got quiet I didn't think he was going to text back but after a few minutes he did

"fine. You can hang with Zayne, I won't stop him but he must keep his hands to himself"

"Goodbye Xander"

"talk later Luna"

I rolled my eyes at the last text. Although it did put a smile on my face. I changed my sneakers and got comfortable in my slippers then went to start making supper

A while later my mom walked in and smiled as she took in the smell of roasted chicken "hey sweety, how was your day?"

" it was good, yours"

"same old same old, so everything is going well at school?"

"yeap, its all good, I just have a lot of work to do but I'm managing"

"I know you are honey. I have faith in you, anyway let me get out of these clothes and I'll come join you"

When she walked away I couldn't help but think of Kayla, I missed my friend  but I wasn't quiet sure how to handle everything yet, so maybe I'll just keep the distance for a while.

After supper I went to my room and sat by the window. That's when it hit me, that day when I thought I had seen something but decided I was imagining it, I really did see something, someone, a wolf.. Could it be that it was Xander, or maybe another werewolf.

Thinking about it made me wonder exactly how many wolves are staying in this town, maybe the neighbors are wolves too... Gosh I was starting to overthink again and I really don't want to. I ended up closing my curtain and going to tuck myself in, at that moment I felt it. I wanted to see Xander, right at that moment

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