Chapter 26

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*Ava's POV*

I started the week on a very high note,I was still drooling over my birthday and all the events that took place and I was meeting up with Xander in the afternoon after school. I hoped he was in a better mood from Saturday night.

I went through my normal routine at school and I was glad the year was almost over, soon I'd be finished with high school and heading to college, I decided that I want to study Psychology, and already started sending out some applications in the local colleges.

I found Xander waiting for me outside as soon as the bell rang

"hey" I said as I jumped in the car

"hey beautiful, how was your day?"

"same old, same old" I said as I put on my seatbelt

"I've never given you a proper tour of my house so I thought we should spend the afternoon there" he said just as he started to drive. The drive to Xander's house was quiet, there was tension I just couldn't explain, but I didn't want to disturb him so I decided I'd bring it up when we got to his house.

When we got there he packed and quickly got out to get the door for me, something I saw as a sweet gesture. He took my hand in his and led me in. Just as we stepped in I realised just how beautiful and big the house is. A big kitchen, two living rooms, four bedrooms which two of them have an ensuite bathroom.

"all this for a guy who lives alone" I said as we stepped in his office

"not for long ofcourse" he said as he eyed me and I smiled shyly while taking a sudden intrest on my shoes

He lifted my chin "we are going to have to live together Ava, and now that you're almost done with high school"

"I know, I guess I just have been enjoying how things are going with us"

"don't get me wrong, I'm loving this too but I don't know for how much longer I can put it off, the pack needs you, I need you"

"and you have me" I said looking away

"You know what I mean, I should have marked you the first time I saw you but I've been putting it off because I don't want to do anything without your consent"

"And I appreciate that you've been so thoughtful, it really means a lot. I also realise I can't keep running from my duties"

"I'm glad you understand" he said as he wrapped his hands around me and brought his face to my neck. Things were starting to get heated up, I was getting this sudden urge to just be a lot more closer with him if it were even possible and When he brought his face back to look at me I saw a glint as his eyes turned darker and I could tell he was feeling it too.
I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him desperately, I have no idea where I was getting this bravery and confidence from but damn it felt good, he easily picked me up and put me on the table, he spread my legs to stand between them as we continued kissing, things got so intense before I knew it my shirt was coming off and Xander was running his hands all over my body.

My heart rate was picking up and I just felt this connection to him, it was beyond lust, beyond love, if I even knew what love is. Xander pulled his t.shirt off as we continued our make out session

"we should stop" he said breathing heavily as if sensing my hesitation to go foward with this. "I'll never force anything on you Ava, even if the waiting is killing me, but for you is worth it" he said in a deep low voice while he was still standing between my legs and had his hands on my back

"thank you" was the only thing I could manage to say before he pulled away and picked up our shirts. And he went to sit around on hi chair.

"I have documents to go through, you could sit and do your schools work then I'll drive you home"

I simply nodded and took out my books as he also got busy, but in all honesty my brain was far from thinking about homework, I kept replaying our make up session over and over again while blushing. I would steal a look from time to time while he seemed to be busy with work and my own thoughts were driving me crazy.


*Xander's POV*

I tried so hard to keep busy just to calm myself down but I couldn't, it didn't help that I could smell Ava's arousal and hear her thoughts and she had no absolute idea, I do recall telling her that I can hear her thoughts so she must have forgotten or she simply just couldn't stop thinking.

I saw her each time she lifted her head to steal a look and quickly look down again and each time it always made me laugh. As much as I wanted her at that moment I wanted her to be the one to tell me that she's ready, then there would be no stopping me but dammit it was hard to compose myself I knew I'd have to take a cold shower later especially since Ava wasn't stopping with the thoughts.

Later when I took her home I tried to make conversations just to make it less awkward, I could tell that she was nervous and that's the last thing I wanted and I could tell she was still hot as I could still smell her.

When I got back home I quickly took a quick shower to calm myself, which did not help much. I wanted Ava

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