Chapter 27

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This chapter consists of mature and explicit content for matured readers and not for sensitive readers. Please ignore and move on to the following chapter if you aren't comfortable with reading such content.

Side note:I know y'all are gonna go ahead and read!  😉 So go on and read then repent later!

*Ava's POV*

After Xander dropped me off I went to my room and put a pillow on my face and let out a scream, the afternoon was so intense, I couldn't help but think what would have happened if I never hesitated. But a little part of me was glad he didn't pressure me.

As I starred onto the ceiling I did some serious soul searching, What was really holding me back. I want to be with Xander, I'm very much sure and I know there's still a lot to process but I'm willing to and if I can find the balance between college and my pack duties that would be awesome.

In that moment I took the decision, I was ready to accept Xander, fully, bare his mark on my me neck and all that and I was going to let him know this weekend. I finally went to sleep wearing a smile on my face.

The following day I woke up and got ready for school, I texted Xander to ask if I could go over to his place Saturday afternoon and he agreed, I didnt mention a sleepover because I wanted it to be a suprise.

Later that afternoon I met up with Kayla "hey, so do you think we can go to the mall this afternoon" I asked

"Yea, sure. What do you need?"

I smiled "you'll see" as I dragged her out the school gate and got a cab to the mall. When we got there I led Kayla to a clothing shop, the underwear section specifically. I wasn't sure how to start this conversation so I just started talking

"I want matching bras and panties" I said and could see Kayla trying to hold in a laugh which made me so embarrassed

"why?" she finally managed to ask

"well... I'm planning to sleep over at Xander's.. You know"

"ok I get the picture.. If we weren't talking about my brother I'd be bugging you for details but no thanks. The less I know the better" she said putting her hands up

"ok then, just help me find the perfect ones" I said suddenly regretting this whole shopping idea

"Ava, I'm pretty sure my brother would love you even if you were wearing granny panties" she said while playing with her eyebrows

" well I don't wanna wear granny panties, I wanna look good.. You know, the whole if you look good you feel good thing"

"but what's the big deal. I thought it's just a sleepover" she teased

"I thought you didn't wanna know" I shot back

"maybe just a little info, not too much please"

"I'm finally gonna do it" I whispered

"do what?"

"You know"

"I don't know" she said mimicking me

"oh shut up! You know exactly what I'm talking about"

Kayla just burst out laughing to an extent where tears started rolling off her eyes

"I'm now regretting asking for your help" I glared at her

"I'm sorry.. I just... I just wonder how you're going to get through the night with your level of shyness, hastag awkward!" she continued laughing

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