Chapter 29

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*Xander's POV*

I look at Ava interacting with the pack members, a lot of them are excited to meet their new Luna, they showered her with hugs, the older ladies were gushing over her while the younger ones were in awe, this went well I think to myself until I see her talking to Mia.

This can go one of two ways, Mia can be matured about this and simply greet her and move away or she will try to taunt Ava, I immediately feel Ava tense up and I see Zayne trying to calm the situation but Mia is still talking and I'm hit with emotions of anger and jealousy. I realised it's Ava, she was slowly losing her patience.

When she sees me approaching she glanced at me "stop!" she mindlinks and leaves me confused, Mia finally moves on to chat with her friend and I walk towards Ava

"hey, are you Ok"  I was expecting the worst since I felt her emotions but instead she looked at me with a smile and nodded. A few more people came to interact with us, or her and then it was time to leave.

While driving Ava home she seemed to be at peace but I knew I had to adress the whole Mia issue

I cleared my throat to talk but she beat me to it "I know she's an ex, and that she will most probably be a pain in the ass. I don't want you getting involved I can handle it"

"I'm sorry about that still, she should know better"

"unless she thought she was going to be your mate and a human beat her to it" she scoffed

"I can always talk to her you know"

"And prove that indeed I'm just a pathetic human, no thanks. I can hold my own, I'm no wolf  but I can handle a crazy ex girlfriend" she said as she rolled her eyes

"this isn't how I wanted the afternoon to end you know"

"I know, and everything seems to have gone well except for princess Mia"

"don't let her get to you"

"I don't plan on it.. But just know I'm not going to roll over and play dead around her, I'm not a push over Xander"

"I know". After that the ride was silent until we reached her house

"thank you Ava, for today, despite minor things I'm happy with how the afternoon went. Now we just need you to begin your training, to know everything about our pack in and out"

"the real work begins huh" she says nervously

"don't worry, I'll be there every step" we say our goodbyes as she reaches for her bag. I really wish she didn't have to go back home, I wish she would move in with me already, this traveling would exhaust both of us soon but I knew now wasn't the time to bring it up


*Ava's POV*

I walked in the house and found mom watching TV, she immediately looked up
"hey, you're all dressed up"

I suddenly remembered that I was dressed up for meeting the pack

"uhh yea, Kay's parent's were invited to a Sunday lunch and we tagged along"  I immediately felt so guilty for lying. How long was I going to keep this up, She already knew about Xander but things were still awkward and my lying would only make things worse.

"I'll go change and join you" I said as I walked to my room. I took off the dress and shoes and wore my pajama shorts and blouse, I put on some slippers and went to wash my face, while looking at my reflection on the mirror I looked at the mark on my neck. It wasn't too huge but she will definitely notice.

I need to be open with her, I can't bare lying to her. I walked back to the living room, I hid the mark with my hair so she wouldn't notice.

"can we talk?" I quietly asked

"yes, sure. What's going on" she asked while eyeing me

"so I wasn't honest with you about my whereabouts this weekend"

She doesn't say anything as though waiting for me to continue so I do

"I was with Xander.... And uhm.. I kind of let him mark me"

My mom's eyes grew wider "Ava!"

"I know I was wrong for lying mom. I'm really sorry and honestly I don't even know  how I thought I could keep this from you

" Rosette explained to me the responsibilities that come with being marked. Are you sure you're ready for that? "

" I'll never be hundred percent ready but I can't keep putting this off"

"so what does this mean?" technically you're married to Xander, in a wolf tradition ofcourse, does it mean you now have to go live with him? "

" yes, but it doesn't mean I'm abandoning you mom. This will always be my home"

"oh Ava" she feels like she's about to breakdown "all I wanted was to protect and shield you, but I see that some things are beyond my control"

"at some point I'll have to grow up mom. This might as well be it" we were both starting to tear up

"you'll always be my little girl" she tries to laugh

"I know. I'm just worried about leaving you alone"

"who says I'll be alone"

"huh,ohhh that friend"

"hey, we are talking about you now little lady" she turned the attention back onto me "can I see it? The mark"

I pushed my hair back and she just starred wide eyed "I would have never believed that werewolves are real if you weren't involved with one"

We continued talking for the rest of the night. How I would manage school and the pack life, I was finishing with high school in a matter of weeks and I already had a plan to go to  College, this made my mom happy, knowing I'm not giving up on my dreams to go play housewife at the age of 18.

I later went to update Xander on the outcome of the chat and to say say he was over the moon is an understatement

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