Secretly Spending Time With You

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Chapter 9

Alex's POV

I woke up and instantly texted Taylor good morning then walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

*after shower*

I got out and walked down the hall to my room and got dressed. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said sitting on my phone waiting for Taylor to text me back. It was Ashton.

"Is everything okay", she asked coming in.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well first you've never gotten up this early, second you never take a shower in the morning", she said.

"I'm gonna be gone for most of the day", I said.

"What are you doing that's gonna be all day", she asked.

"Spending time with Austin", I lied.

"Mmmhmm, well you enjoy that", she said the. Walked out of my room. My phone went off. I was expecting it to be Taylor but it was Austin.

*text convo*
(AC: Alex)
(A: Austin)

A: hey man you wanna hang out today
AC: sorry can't I have plans
A: oh. What are you doing
AC: going out of town
A: oh well then we can hang out when you can
AC: okay. Well I gotta we are leaving talk to you when I can
A: okay bye
AC: bye✌️

It was really hard lying to Austin, but I had just in case he didn't want his sister hanging out with me alone.

Taylor's POV

I woke up to my phone buzz. I look at it. It's Alex texting me good morning. Can't wait to spend time with him later.

I got up and just decided I was just gonna get dressed and ready for the day. I didn't really feel like showering this morning I'll shower later.

I walked to my closet and grabbed something causal but nice looking. Then Austin walked in.

"Hey, what are you doing", he asked having a smile on his face to confused.

"I was planning on driving around San Antonio", I said before interrupted.

"Can I go", he asked.

"I was thinking I would have a day to myself", I said still going through my closet.

"Fine I'll just do another cover since I have nothing else to do", he said.

"You do that Austin", I laughed as he walked out.

I grabbed my clothes and got changed in my room. I put on a white tank crop top, black Jean high waist shorts. Then put on my red chuck Taylor's and my bulls beanie that I love to death.

I walked out of my room and to the bathroom to do my make up and put on my red rose earrings and my cross necklace.

Then my phone starts going off. I take it off the counter and see Alex's name.

(AC: Alex)
(T: Taylor)

AC: hey
T: hi
AC: are you ready
T: yeah but I have to wait for Austin to start working on his cover because he thinks I'm going around San Antonio by myself
AC: okay well I'll start driving
T: okay see you soon
AC: bye

"Who was that", Austin said walking into the bathroom making me fall over.

"Ouch", I said hitting my head on the sink.

"I'm sorry Taylor", he said.

"It's fine, I'll just be in pain as I drive around."

"But who was that on the phone", he asked getting all nosey.

"It was Bree she wanted to hang out", I said of course lying and kinda loud because he made me mad.

"Oh, well I better go pick a song for my new cover", he said walking out.

Then I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

"Where you going", Michele asked as I past the kitchen.

"I'm going out", I said.

"What was that loud sound from up stairs", she asked.

"Austin scared me, but I'm okay. Bye", I said walking out and closing the door. I just waited out side until Alex pulled up.

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