1) Don't Let An Opportunity Fly Through

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I will basically be butchering the plotline so don't try to compare my story to the canon timeline. If there is a significant event going on trust me you will know. With that onto the story.

3rd POV

Winter and General Ironwood were sitting in a bullhead to oversee a weapons exchange when they caught sight of the most peculiar thing. A young girl, no older than 15 fighting Roman Torchwick? She was also taking fire from another individual inside the ship but it looked like she was holding her own and might even beat him! Winter didn't wait for any orders and had already jumped out of the bay doors to go protect the girl. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

Winter stood in the corner of a small interrogation room embarrassed, with a bruise on her face and a burn on her hand. Even still she still held up her professionalism as she watched the young red girl draw on her hand. Winter stood up straighter and nudged the girl to attention as the General entered the room. 
"Ruby Rose, you truly are a carbon copy of your mother. Right down to the chasing criminals before graduation and silver eyes."
"You voice that as a bad thing."
"Not at all, anyone who comes that close to capturing the biggest crime lord of Anima should be quite a good person.
If not for Winter you may have captured him. So, where did you learn to do such a thing?"
He changed the topic as Winter's face turn a peculiar shade of red.
"I was taught at signal academy."
"They taught you to lose one of the most dangerous weapons to ever be designed that is twice your own size. Who designed that thing?"
"One teacher at signal in particular, my uncle Qrow. Actually my crescent rose was designed and forged by my own hands. I'm a bit of a weapon nut."

With this in mind he slid some blueprints over to Ruby.
"So how much of a weapons nut are you?"
"Ooh, shiney blueprints. 
Oh, not so shiney anymore. Who designed this mech? (without realizing she grabbed the pen she was drawing with earlier and started drawing on the blueprints) You don't even need 2 braincells to know that will explode inside of it. What the hell were they planning on doing with this? No, no, no. That's not going to move more than 3 feet. Nope, you'll need a 5mm valve for that. Jeez how much money are you planning on flushing? You can get a much higher quality one for much better value.
Oh, I'm sorry I drew all over it!"
James and Winter looked over and saw pure genius drawn over the blueprints. 

James Ironwood POV 

This was incredible. As messy as it looked there was nothing short of remarkable genius scribbled over the plans. How was it that such a prodigy existed? Such an advanced fighter with a brain like nothing I had ever seen before, she possessed silver eyes, she had a great intelligence to her and though she appeared to be very child-like that was simply her young naivety but she could be very mature. It was clear that Ruby had a spark in her head and a fire in her heart. Already I knew that if I couldn't recruit her for the army she had to at least come to my school. There was so much potential to work with.
"So Ruby, what were you doing out so late at night?"
"I had just seen off my sister and was grabbing a few things from the store before heading home. My sister Yang just left for Beacon. I have 2 more years left at signal before I apply to one of the big 4 combat schools. Uncle Qrow, Yang and Dad have already made the assumption that I'm going to Beacon but I don't really know yet. And I'm even more lost on weather or not I should skip school altogether and just apply to the military or get my huntress licence before applying but at the same time I really want to work in a forge on the other hand there is no way that I would ever give up fighting. I know that police are great and all but I had really set my sights higher and I'm so sorry General Ironwood I'm rambling again aren't I?"
"Not at all Miss Rose," Winter spoke up "General can't she just skip the schooling recive her diploma and come work for our tech division?"
Ruby looked completely bewildered at the idea.
"No Winter. However, Ruby how would you feel if I were to offer you the chance of 2 year early entry to Atlas academy, a job as a weapon smith and a position within the Atlesian army?"
It was amusing to watch Ruby's eyes go wide and Winter look happy. 
"A-Are you s-serious?"
"Very much so Miss Rose. What do you say?"
"Y-Yes, yes! Absolutely ! Of Course!"
"Well then please give this letter to your father and be at the shipyard in 3 days.
Winter, please take her home."
With that I left the room hearing only an excited squeal come from the room after I shut the door. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

3rd POV

Winter and Ruby talked the whole way home, well, Ruby did more of the talking but Winter was surprisingly responsive and both had been taken by surprise by how much they had in common and how alike they were. In the half hour trip both of them could consider the other a friend. And in time they would think of each other as sisters. Since Ruby was such a valuable asset they would be spending quite some time together. Winter dropped her off on patch but asked if she was truly ready for a militant lifestyle. Ruby merely reassured her that she would love having a structure. With that the 2 parted ways with the promise to see each other in 3 days time. The moment that Ruby had stopped waving to Winter she bolted home and almost crashed through the front door to get to her father. Ruby happily told him of the good news and her worries, like the amazing father he is (I don't think tai gets enough credit) he talked it through with her and the 2 of them packed Ruby's bags the very same night so that she could relax for 2 days.

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See you later, love Lizzi

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