Chapter Eighteen

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"Every year I am asked the same question, what is the point of this exercise? Let me make one thing clear. I will not baby you, I will not favor you, and I will not under any circumstances save you." Coach O'Ryan paces the gym in front of us.

I glace to my right and see Dariyah is no longer wearing her signature smirk. In fact, there is just an air of dread and fear in the room. No one is talking or joking around, they all look like they would rather be somewhere else. Anywhere else.

That makes my heart rate spike.

"The answer to that question is the same every year. Self-awareness." She stops dead center of the gym.

I hear the girl next to me gulp in fear.

"Out there in the real world, you will be picked on, discriminated against, even harassed. It's not a nice world to be a Caster. People will do anything to make you look like the bad guy, push all your buttons, play on all your fears. You have to be aware of your own weaknesses. Our energies react to us, if we are scared, or angry, or upset, they will react accordingly. But you cannot under any circumstance lose your cool. They will attack you, they will make out to be a monster, they won't understand you. For all these reasons, we do this exercise."

That's a little dramatic.

"Every semester I have several people drop my class after this, I expect the same here. Some people can't handle the truth. But understand I don't do this to be mean or torture you. I don't get any pleasure from this. I hate this as much as you do, but it's necessary for your survival in this world. There is no pass or fail for this assignment, you get points for just showing up and doing it. But, if you lose control of yourself during the simulation I will make note of that. And I will hound you extra hard for the rest of the semester. If you want out say the safe word which is Unicorns."

A few girls giggle at that.

"If anyone is able to stay through the whole thing, you will be exempt from the final this semester."

"Has anyone ever gotten that before?" Dariyah asked.

"Not in the 22 years I've worked here."

Everyone whispers amongst themselves.

"Now, there are a lot of you, so I've recruited a few professors for help. Our campus physician will be on standby as well as the headmaster."

I turn to my left and see Asherah lingering in the doorway.

Kenshin has a table set up with medical supplies, several assistances next to him.

"Ellison, you're up first."

I hear my heart in my ears and step forward, my knees shake as I walk to the big glyph in the center of the room. There are four more all around the room.

"This simulation is done by Shadow magic. When you step in the energies will drill into you and project your fears and insecurities. It could be something as silly as bugs, it could be as serious as being chased by a serial killer. Only you will know what it is and only you will see it. This is to make you aware of your limits. Do you understand?" she asks me.

I nod.

"Nothing in there is real, it won't be able to hurt you, but you will feel like it's real. Are you ready?"

"Do I have a choice?" I say.

Many people giggle at that.

She smirks and steps aside for me.

I eye the black glyph on the floor before taking a deep breath and stepping inside. A black bubble appears around the circle blocking out everything else. It's pitch black inside, I can't see anything.

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