Chapter Seven

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Cyrene rolls me out of the main building and down a long sidewalk. It's night out already and a cold breeze makes goosebumps rise up on my arms. The more I see this place, the creepier it gets. There isn't a single student in sight.

"I guess I should give you some background information," Cyrene breaks the silence.

I flinch at the sound of her voice.

"For starters Ashy, err, Asherah was right. This is a very elite school for Casters. All of the students here had to apply and go through rigorous tests to get in. Although if you ask me, they really do just let anyone in if they have enough money," She grumbles.

"Humans and Witches have that in common," the words come out of my mouth before I have a chance to stop them. I cringe right after,

"I mean Casters..." I correct myself after a beat of silence.

"Sorry," I say when she still hasn't said anything.

She just sighs.

"Please reframe from using that slur around here or in general."

"Sorry," I mumble again.

"Moving along, Belmore was founded only about 50 years ago. Most Caster schools attempt to hide and blend right in but not Belmore. This school established itself right in the middle of what was once a small town. As a statement I guess. It was to help establish unity between Casters and non-casters. Build a bridge of peace. If everyone can see what Casters are doing it takes away the scary aspects. You can't hide when you are out in the middle of everything. I too went to Belmore when I was younger."

"If you ask me putting this school here did nothing but stir up trouble. Everything was fine until you guys showed up," I grumble.

"You guys?"

"You know what I mean."

"Emery, let me remind you, you are one of us now. You are including in the blanket statement of you guys."

I clench my jaw and stare off into the distance, not addressing that statement.

She sighs again.

"Regardless, the school is meant to be a symbol of peace. An olive branch if you will. Casters who choose to come here are putting their necks out on the line. Choosing to be representations of the school but also of Casters as a whole community. Although some people are better left out of that limelight."

"There's something we can agree on," I snort in amusement.

"To your left is the original building of the school, that what was first built. Today it houses all of the basic classes a Caster must attend. Spellcasting, energy conservation, and Magical history. The easy stuff. That is where you will be spending most of your time here for the first few months. You are more than a little behind, to say the least. So you will need to work extra hard to catch up. Most of the students here have already gone through what is called Pretrainer's School. Meaning they were put into classes and trained to be a Caster since they were five years old. You could say Pretrainer's school is a prerequisite to getting into this academy. But that's not common for regular Caster schools. Most Caster schools are very much like the American School system you are used to."

"Just great, not only did I get stuck here, but everyone here is super smart and I'm basically as dumb as a monkey."

"You'll catch up," she assures me.

"Don't hold your breath."

"The classes admittedly are more meant as a refresher class than to actually teach you. But that is why you have me. I'll help you build a solid foundation. This school is very unique in that most Casters who go to school get to choose two. One for their grade years and another for the after years, Think of it like college. This is school is different in that it combines both. You'll have Casters of all ages and skill level mingling here. It helps promote healthy competition and keeps them from feeling like they are trapped in a prison. They really do have some type of community here. You can find people as young as 13 here or as old as 28. There really isn't a grade system here. It's all based on skill. You take the classes you want, challenge yourself. If the class is too hard for your skill level then they will let you know. Most of the time they put you in a beginner's version of the class. You of course will be stuck with people your age, although you are way below their skill level. For the first few months, you will be in classes with casters a lot younger than you. When I think you are ready, I'll move you up."

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