Chapter Eleven

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My first instinct is to run to Crystal Keep, but after what happened last time I change my mind last second and end up running into an academic building. I saw a staircase and went to hide under it but someone beat me to it.

"You aren't going to cry are you Darko?" a few big looking guys said.

I stop and duck behind the corner.

"Why can't you guys leave me alone!?" Darko shouts.

I recognize the voice and when I peek, I see it's true. The same guy that picked on me in the cafeteria, is actually a victim of bullying himself.

"You don't belong here; everyone knows your family is a lie," They hold him down before punching him in the gut.

I wince.

"Shut up!"

"You should ask your mom who's really your dad," One guy taunts.

They all laugh and drop him on the floor before kicking him and running off upstairs.

Darko breaks down, curling up into a ball and sobbing silently to himself. If I didn't feel bad before, I certainly feel worse now. Looks like Caster schools have bullies just like regular schools.

I move closer to him, slowly. Then I sit next to him. He jolts upright and eyes me. Only then do I see his soft blue eyes because his hair is brushed out of his face.

"You," he spat.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"What do you care, get away from me!" he pushes me, and I fall on my back. Then he got up to run away but tripped over his untied shoes and fell on his face.

He grunts in frustration and pounds his fist on the ground.

"Sorry, I was just trying to help!" I snap at him before getting up and moving to leave.

"I never asked for your help!" he spat at me.

"Fine! Then I won't offer it! Jerk!"

I turn to leave but I hear him curl up in a ball again and start sobbing.

I turn back to him but considering how he's treated me so far, I think better of it and walk away. I look around and realize I'm completely lost. I sniffle and slowly walk back to where I was sure I came in, but the door I was sure was there before, is gone.

I look around and keep walking until I find a little bench to sit on next to what looks like a lounge area. It is on this bench that I collect myself. I run my hands through my hair several times and push my tears back down.

What the heck have I gotten myself into?

I don't want to be here.

I don't want my dad to hate me.

I don't want to look over my shoulder every second wondering who I can or cannot trust.

I don't want to lie and keep things from people or wonder if they are keeping things from me.

But most of all I don't want to think about how this might all be pointless anyway. That sometime in the future, possibly the near future, I'll die in an explosion.

I whimper and bring my knees to my chest, resting my forehead against them.

"I see London, I see France, I see Emery's underpants," Someone sings.

I look up and meet the eyes of Vega. She is standing in front of me, her whole posture just radiates confidence. Or maybe it's deviousness I sense.

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