Chapter Thirty-Four

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Life really isn't fair sometimes. Like really, the one time someone actually likes me in a romantic way, us getting together could literally mean the death of myself and others. Like what the heck? I want a refund.

Plus there is still like all the other questions in my head. Like since when do I like girls? I mean, I've never been opposed to it, but like as far as I knew I was straight. All my crushes have been guys. Then again, romance has never been at the top of my to-do list. It was just one of those things, if it happens it happens.

That being said, I can't deny I feel a pull towards her. Even that night at the movies. I can still remember how seeing her made me feel. There I was at the front of the line, and there she was with Dariyah, walking up to the front of the line. When she passed by me I felt this feeling like I had to stop her, I had to say something. The energy between us was electric. When she turned to look at me, my breath caught in my throat. She scared me. But I don't know why. I just felt my chest get all tight and my heart rate increase and I didn't know whether to go on the offensive or run the other way.

How is it possible to feel connected to someone you hardly know? It makes no logical sense. All that being said, I couldn't avoid her even if I wanted to. I literally have to see her first thing in the morning.

Finally, it is the end of campaign week. Nerissa and I decided to sit in the crowd rather than wait in the wings.

Today is the last day of speeches, and the day Lysander and Vega present. As soon as we walked inside, I could tell the dramatic difference between our speeches. I haven't been able to make it to any other speeches this week, so I don't know just how different this is from the usual, but I would take a guess that even this is a bit much.

When we walked inside, the whole room transformed into this beautiful flower field with white plastic chairs. Nerissa and I shared a look before taking a seat. A small gust of wind would blow by every so often, filling our noses with the scent of sweet flowers.

It's official.

I'll never understand magic.

Even though I know in my head it's not real, that doesn't make it feel any less real. I could feel the blades of grass and flowers brushing against my legs. I could see the petals blow past. I could hear that chorus of moving flowers as they swayed in the wind. I could take a deep breath and smell it as if I was actually in a real flower field outside. Even though I know I am sitting in an auditorium.

Asherah couldn't even hide her pleasure as she walked up to the mic and took in a deep breath, a smile on her face.

"Hello everyone, the time has finally come for our final speakers to take the stage. I want you to remember everyone who has come up here this week, keep in mind your favorite candidates because soon, you'll be in charge of deciding who will get to lead Belmore into the future. Now, without further ado, Lysander Hagon and Vega Coleman."

Next to me Nerissa scoffs and rolls her eyes as the crowd claps to welcome them to the stage.

"Hello my fellow Casters," Lysander starts. "I am Lysander Hagon, a Strato Caster, this is my partner, Vega, a Psy Caster."

Vega forces a smile on stage.

"As you can see, we have changed where this meeting is taking place. You should all be seeing a field of flowers. I want you all to feel at ease because that's how this should be. We strongly believe that we should be heading into a time of peace and prosperity. You shouldn't have to be gearing up for a battle every day to try and impress people who don't care about you and don't want anything to do with you. A conversation should be as calm and easy as the one we are having now. If you want to change, then we will fight for it. But you all shouldn't have to. A leader is one who can get things done without putting their people at risk. Why elect some outsider who doesn't know anything about anything when you could elect us. We should be building bridges within the Caster community first before we do anything else. Celestial Council, Higher Council, how can we expect to join forces with Non-Casters when we can't even join forces with ourselves. If you elect us, I will fight every day to make your everyday lives so much easier, fighting to bring the two councils together. As one."

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