Chapter Twenty-Three

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Saturday morning is finally here and I make my way to get breakfast. Nerissa kept me up for hours last night trying to plan all that we were going to do. I mean as far as friends go, I guess she's the closest I will get to making friends my age. We have a silent understanding that though we don't really like each other much, we need each other to get what we want.

I like to think we are like coworkers to a company. Can't pick who you work with so you might as well make it as least painful as possible. We work together and get the job done and go our separate ways after. We are corporate-friendly. Not actually friends. There is a difference.

I eye the tables and see Ro sitting with Bastion. She eyes me. Then I see Darko sigh as he walks up the stairs to his spot. I narrow my eyes at him. I'm not going to give up on making friends just yet sure, creepy, misunderstood, and rude guy is not my first choice, but beggars can't be choosers.

I follow him.

He plops down and I plop down in front of him.

He eyes me.

I wait for him to say something but his hard shell of a mask falters and he looks down at his food and eats in silence.

I knew it. I am making headway with this guy after all. Soon he might actually talk to me, like have a single decent conversation. I'd take this over fake friends any day. At least with this, I know what to expect.

I smile to myself and also begin to eat in silence.

I jolt when Nerissa sits next to us.

"You scared me," I say.

"Pay attention." She snaps at me.

I frown at her and roll my eyes before going back to eating.

Darko looks more annoyed now and before I can say anything he gets up and leaves.

"You scared him away," I sigh.


"And, if you can't tell, I'm trying to make at least one friend here. And creepy Darko is as close as I have come to making progress in that fact. And now he's gone."

"Trust me, you don't want to be friends with him."

"Why not?"

"He's bad news. A stain in the Belmore history."

"How so?"

"His brother got kicked out last year for starting a fight. He was always protecting Darko from bullies. Darko's mom is an air Caster. She's on the elder council. His dad is a fire caster. His brother was a fire caster. But Darko is a sound Caster. People say his mom had an affair with a student here on campus. She was a teacher here before she got a spot on the council. It's a scandal that follows his family around. His brother was always sticking up for him. I mean it's not unheard of for Casters to be born with different abilities than their parents, I mean look at Cyrene, but it's also not that common."

"Just get a paternity test, problem solved." I shrug.

"He refused; his mom even offered. I think he's more afraid of finding out the answer than never knowing the truth. Everything got worse after the accident."


"His brother was flying here for the holiday, to visit Darko a few months ago. His plane went down and... he didn't make it. Darko hasn't been the same since. He used to be more willing to stand up for himself, now he just takes it. He doesn't let anyone get close to him. He lashes out at all who try. You're better off leaving all that alone. It's not like people haven't tried to help him, he's just mean and stubborn. He'd rather suffer than get help."

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