Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After much bickering back and forth of whether or not it was too risky to tell headmaster Asherah, everyone decided to do nothing, for now. Well, I'm not everyone. I need to talk to her, with or without everyone's permission.

Vega must have suspected something because she walked me to my room then,

"I can stay with you for the night if you want. In case Cyrene tries to teleport in here and try anything."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I said it's my job to protect you, so let me do my job." She leans against the door frame.

Curse her for being so beautiful. I can't help but stare at her. It's really not fair, it's like her secret weapon.

"Come on, you said you wanted to get to know me better. Now's your chance." She steps closer to me, sensing my hesitation.

"Okay, fine, but go get your pj's I don't want you stuck in that uniform all night," I say.


I watch her walk backwards to her room and roll my eyes before shutting the door. I quickly hop in the shower and take a fast bath before changing and cleaning up a bit. Vega gets back before I can finish. I let her in and resume picking up my work and research all over the floor.

"I don't mind the mess, I mean have you seen my sister? This is clean compared to that."

She has a point.

"Sorry, I just feel like I need to distract myself." I quickly shove the papers in my backpack.

"Emery," she gets up and grabs my hands before pulling me up off the floor and making me join her on the bed.

I blush and put some distance between us.

"So, ask away." She says.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" Is the first question out of my mouth and right after it leaves my lips and gets said into existence I facepalm.

She giggles.

"I just, sorry. Okay so, I think you're pretty. Which is weird because I've never like gotten like this before and it's kind of stressing me out." I admit.

"Like what?"

"Like this, like it's hard for me to look at you and be around you when I know what I know."

"And what exactly do you know?"

"I don't know!"

She giggles again.

Why am I bad at this?

"I guess what I am trying to say is, I would feel a lot less nervous if I knew how you saw me." I finally meet her eyes.

"How I see you?"

I nod.

"Hmm," she leans back on her hands. "Well, it's like you said. I don't really know you that well. But..."


"But I think you're pretty too." She turns her head to meet my eyes.

I feel my face flush.

"Plus I admire what you're doing." She goes on, turning to face forward again. Her legs kicking against the side of the bed. "Trying to bring Casters and Non-Casters together. It tells me you've seen the error or your previously bigoted ways and that you are actually taking it all in. Which brings me hope that you are in fact, a good person. You're not selfish. I like that. But you are a train wreck, but that's not really your fault." She turns to face me again.

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