Chapter Nineteen

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Cyrene's hands start to glow, and a tiny glyph appears above our conjoined hands. I watch it spin around at a leisure pace. It reminds me of that one time I forgot my locker combo and I tried to figure it out myself as if I was some spy.

Then I feel something click inside of me.

Slowly my hand starts to burn and glow.

"Ow," I say

She doesn't stop.

"Ow, ow, ow! Stop! It burns!" I say.

"Almost got it," she says with her eyes still closed.

"Stop!" I try to pull my hand free but she holds me firmly.

I watch the second circle in the glyph click into place and my whole body starts glowing

The light around me flickers.

"What are you doing?" I demand.

She winces in pain and I can tell her hands are burning too.

Then the third ring clicks into place.

All hell breaks loose after that.

I hear that horrible out of tune noise again. It's so loud my ears crackle. Cyrene gets blasted back, by me! My hand just shot out some beam at her. It burned right through her shirt and left a horrible burn on her stomach.

Cyrene cried out in pain.

When she opened her eyes they were glowing, it was like my light and her light were fighting against each other.

"Lower your guard!" she ordered.

"I don't know how!" I screamed over the loud horrific noise.

She cried out in pain as my light shined so bright I couldn't even see anything anymore. When it did finally dull down a little, she was passed out on the floor, and all the lights in my room were out.

"No, no, no, wake up." I run over to her and shake her.

"What's going on?" I hear someone in the halls say.

I get up and look out of the window and see that it's not just my room that's lost all light, it's the whole campus! In fact, the sun looks dimmer somehow.

What the actual f—

"Open the door!" Someone bangs on my door.

I look around in panic.

I shove all the books under my bed and drag Cyrene to the bathroom and shut her inside.


"Uh, just a second!" I shout over the noise.

I look at my hands and will the glowing to stop. My whole body is glowing like I'm some comic book superhero who just fell into a vat of toxic waste.

"Stop it, stop," I whisper to my hands.

To my surprise, it does. Everything just stops.

I open the door just a crack and lock eyes with Nerissa.

"What was that?" she demanded.

"What?" I play dumb.

She pushes my door open and walks inside of my room.

My heart has never beat so fast.

"I saw a glowing coming from under your door." She points out.

Just then the lights turn back on.

I turn and all the girls in my dorm are standing in the hall eyeing my room. Vega raises an eyebrow when we lock eyes. I gulp and turn back to Nerissa.

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