Chapter Thirty Two

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I can do this. I am Emery Ellison, and I can do this. I glance down at the note cards in my hands before taking a deep breath and walking out of my room. When I get downstairs it's quiet, Asherah is waiting by the front door. I walk up to her and try to look as confident as possible; she eyes me but doesn't say anything before we leave.

"Morning," I say to her as we walk.

"Good morning."

"I uh, just wanted to say, that first time we met, sorry for being so... me. I don't think Casters are witches. Or anything like that anymore. Sorry if I hurt your feelings."

"It's going to take more than an entitled brat to hurt my feelings," She smirks.

"Hey! I'm not entitled," I pout.

She shakes her head with a smile.

We walk over to the front gates where just outside is a podium and a table barricade. Lots of reporters and people stand around. Like a lot. Like more than I was expecting. So many people that the nearby street is closed off.


I can do this.

Several guards surround the podium, looking straight ahead and ready to act on a moment's notice. I notice Asherah has gone stiff and there is a caution and maybe fear in her eyes that wasn't there moments before. No other school officials are here but Asherah, even though I know for a fact the celestial council is here and representatives of the higher council are here too.

Before we reach the podium Asherah stops me and pulls me to the side.

"If anything happens, I want you to run to safety, okay?"

"Wait, you think something is going to happen?" I ask.

"Just precaution."

I gulp.

We walk up to the podium together and the crowd goes silent. Asherah takes a deep calming breath before tuning her mic on and putting on a friendly smile.

"Welcome everyone, as many of you know. I am Asherah, the new and current headmaster at Belmore I understand there has been community unrest since Emery's awakening which is why I have called you all here today. I want you all to see that Emery is indeed okay, and attending classes here. Her situation is very unique but I know you all didn't come here to hear it from me." She steps aside and lets me take the stand.

For a moment all I can hear is my heart in my ears.

Suddenly I can't remember anything I was supposed to say or what my goal is. All I can see is everyone staring at me, judging me.

"You got this," Cyrene says.

I flinch and turn and look at her. I didn't even see her walk over to us. She's standing next to Asherah now. Her presence calms me. I take a deep breath before turning back to the crowd.

"Hi," I say.

Soon reporters and flinging questions at me left and right. Cameras all point and lock in on my face.

"My name is Emery Ellison."

"Emery! Were you attacked?"

"Are they making you say this?"

"Are they keeping you here against your will?"

"Okay, I guess I should start by clearing up some things. No one is holding me against my will, no one is making me say anything. Yes, being awakened was a very unexpected and frightening experience for me, but I understand why it needed to be done. You see, I am a Star Caster, which is like very rare. So rare that before me, there was only one in the whole entire world. Now with me, there are two. Star Casters are nearly extinct and awakening me was necessary to prevent that from happening." I say, even though me and everyone up here with me know that is total bull. But Asherah says it's important that we don't reveal any confidential information about the investigation.

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