Chapter Five

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If I just keep to myself then I'll be fine. I just have to lay low until I can figure out these freaky powers and get out of here. Sure, Dariyah and her strangely beautiful sidekick are a total nightmare, but other than that I have nothing to worry about.

I find my way to the cafeteria by following and blending in the best I can with a crowd of students. I make sure to keep my head down, but I'm not sure how much that helped considering that everyone else is wearing white shirts and mine is black.

The cafeteria is huge! It almost feels like an insult to call it a cafeteria. It's two stories tall, with an open style second floor. Many fast food places as well as fine dining places have small stalls. Much like the ones seen in a food court. The walls have the same crystal mood light lamps, that's what I'll call them, dimming the room to a comfortable low light. Not a harsh fluorescent bulb in sight.

The tables are made of marble and are circle-shaped. The floor is a nice pristine white tile. There is even an elevator for disabled students. I'll admit I'm breathless. This place is like food court heaven. My stomach growls just breathing in all of the delicious smells.

Wait does the food cost money? Because all I got is five bucks...

What should I do? Should I just ask? Should I forget it and go back to my room? I'm hungry... well I might as well suck it up.

I walk up to a chicken place, which has a relatively short line. People give me the stink eye as I wait in line.

When I got to the front, I ordered a chicken sandwich. It didn't cost anything, so I got water to go with it. I should probably read that student handbook as soon as possible if I am ever going to begin to comprehend this place.

Many of the tables are already filled with people so I walk upstairs to try and find an empty one, lucky for me there is one in the back. I sit down and unwrap my sandwich. I would only get to take two bites before someone approached me.

"You're in my seat," He said.

He has long dark brown hair that hangs in his face. His shirt has a yellow tint to it, and his pants are ripped up at the bottom. His face is covered in acne. He chews on his straw, still in the wrapper.

"Are there assigned seats?" I ask.

"No, but I always sit here. This is my seat," He clenches his soda so hard the can dent in a little.

"Well, your name wasn't on it," I open my water bottle.

"Move, this is my seat," He steps closer to me.

"Just sit down, there is a whole other side to this table."

"No, I want to sit alone."

"Well, I was here first."

"I said move!"

I flinch at his sudden rage. Everyone got quiet and looked at us. I was causing a scene.

"Just leave me alone," I keep my head low.

"Move or I'll make you."

I quickly got up and moved to grab my stuff when he pushed me out of the way and sat in my spot, grabbing my sandwich, and taking a large bite.

"Hey, what the hell!?"

He looked at me then took a long drink of my water.

"You people are all the same," I spat.

Which was a mistake because after I said it there was a long pause of silence in the entire cafeteria. When I look around everyone is standing and looking at me.

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