Chapter Fourteen

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As soon as Lorelei dropped me off, I quickly wolfed down my food to hurry up and get back to figuring all this stuff out. Cyrene was prepared for me now. She made some notes and brought out some books to reference.

"Can I ask you something?" I said before Cyrene could get started.

She looks at me expectantly.

"Why can't I tell people about what happened to me? I mean I get why I can't tell the outsiders, but why can't I tell other Caster's? It's not like they can go out and start a riot."

"Well, we don't want to have any further complications. If people found out you were here not because the elders picked you but because some unknown group did, it might not blow over well. They might start falsely accusing each other, blame one another. Fingers would be pointed, and it would breed divide and animosity. You would be the center of it. Plus, if you tell the wrong person they could tip off the guilty party and help them get away with it. Then we would never get to the bottom of things. Be careful who you trust, one wrong word could send this whole investigation into a tailspin."

I sigh and look at the book on the table.

So I guess I really can't trust anyone.

Just like my future self said.

How will I ever make friends with a mindset like that?

"We will get to the bottom of things, I promise you. No criminal has been able to evade my light yet. For now, let's focus on something you can control. Like this." she slides the book closer to me.

It is a book on light casters. I pick it up and open it. The first thing I see is a pair of hands cupped together holding what looks like a star plucked right from the sky.

So I guess that's why they, we, are called star casters.

"I want you to read this cover to cover. It will help clear some things up for you."

With that, we went into our second lesson of the day. What exactly is a star caster and what can we do? According to Cyrene, it is said that we can perform impossible feats such as giving sight to the blind, creating amazing illusions, and even controlling the sun. Of course, she says that none of this has ever been proven and most of it is folklore passed down through the grapevine.

But there is something we can do that have already been proven. Things like teleport, light manipulation, and phasing. She says these are just the basics and only scratch the surface of what we can do.

The one I found the most interesting is something called Truesight. This is an ability only a star caster can learn. Cyrene says there are some things all casters can learn, but each caster has their own unique abilities that only their type of caster can learn.

For star casters one of these abilities is Truesight.

This ability allows me to detect the truth about anything no matter how far, or whether it is invisible. She says I will be able to see past illusions and mind tricks as well as shapeshifters. The most interesting and the reason I want to learn this thing as soon as possible is that theoretically speaking, I can even use it to see into other dimensions or planes of existence.

This could allow me to see my future self again, get to the bottom of things. If I'm still alive in the future, maybe I'll try to talk to her before the explosion.

Of course, I had tons of questions. Like what the heck are shapeshifters? To which she replied that Reality Casters have the ability to change appearances. I wanted to know the different types of Casters and what they do but she said we needed to focus on Star Casters first before anything else.

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