Chapter Twenty-Five

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Public speaking is a nightmare, especially when you are trying to get people to like you. Whatever happened to all that stupid confidence I had when I was telling people how awful Casters were? I could really use stupid confidence right now.

I swear my heart has never beat so fast.

I watch off in the wings as Asherah addresses the entire student body, well not the entire student body just those who choose to come to this. To my surprise, it's a freaking lot of people. She introduces this year's running candidates and encourages people to vote and back the students they think will change the future of Belmore for the better.

Talk about pressure.

I glance down at my note cards I made, my hands shaking. Nerissa isn't even phased. She's ready. Eyes straight ahead and shoulders set. The girl radiates confidence.

"You had your chance at greatness, try not to fall on your face," Lysander says to me as he walks by.

I gulp.

"Ignore him, I do," Nerissa says.

I take a deep breath and look back down at my note cards.

I can do this.

How hard can it be?

I dressed extra nice today. Ironed my clothes and fixed up my hair and makeup. I even filed and trimmed my nails and brushed my teeth three times to try and get them as white as possible. I didn't even eat breakfast to keep them that way.

"And now, for our first speakers, Nerissa Holt and her running mate Emery Ellison," Asherah says.

I stand straight and watch as Nerissa takes a deep breath before walking out. I quickly follow. People clap but when they see me the claps quickly die out. Nerissa keeps a straight face, but I can't help but cringe.

The light shines right in my face and I see rows and rows of people looking up at me. In many age ranges. Even some faculty is here to see this. I stand next to Nerissa and glance down at my cards, I clench the cards tightly in my hands in an attempt to minimize the shaking.

I can do this.

I glace to the wings where Lysander, Vega, and Asherah watch us.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Nerissa Holt." She begins.

The room is dead silent.

Tough crowd.

"I know what most of you are thinking, I must be out of my mind to partner with a Star caster. This Star caster to top it off." She says.

There is light laughter.

"But I promise you I have a plan. Not just for myself, but for all of you. For too long this school has been unbalanced. We think that the people with power are the ones responsible for bringing change to this school, but you're wrong. Change starts with you and with me. We have to be our own change. Too many people hide in the shadows, there isn't enough transparency at this school. We as the student body deserve to be in the conversation when it comes to possible change that could come to this school. What I and my partner are running on is the idea of unity. We want to unite everyone at this school. We want to bring Casters together as a community. But not just Casters, we want to unite Casters and outsiders together."

There are audible gasp and murmurs.

"One thing we would change if we are elected is to change visitation rules. Makes them looser so that outsiders could be allowed in. We've shut ourselves off for too long. Because of this, the outsiders think we are some monsters hiding in the closet or under their beds. The fact that we call them outsiders is the problem. I say no more us versus them. We are all people; we are a community. And if you elect me, I promise you I will do everything I can to make that happen. Including loosening the rules about not letting Casters out of the school. People shouldn't be reprimanded for going to the mall with their friends or wanting to go see a movie. If you elect me, all that will change. My partner agrees, the time for change is now."

That's my cue!

I move to step up to the mic and clear my throat.

The room once again goes quiet.

"Hello everyone, my name is Emery Ellison. And I'm a Star Caster. To be honest I'm still not sure what the heck that means." I joke.

Only a few people chuckle.


"I won't sugar coat it. My behavior before and even after I arrived here was... awful to say the least. I was a very closed-minded person and was only acting the way I was taught to act towards Casters. But... I'm a Caster now too. For better or for worse. I know some of you don't like me. I don't blame you. But I do want to bring change. Every day I am learning new things about Casters I never knew. It's changed me. Taught me that being Caster doesn't make me so different after all." I glance down at the cards but then sigh and push them away.

"Look," I start. "Since I've come here I've been bullied, I've been pushed to my limits, I've been pushed out. But that doesn't change how I feel now. Before, if anyone of you would have told me I would be here in front of everyone, I probably would have laughed. But this isn't a joke. The people here have taught me so much already. One of the first lessons I learned when I got here is that you guys are a family, and an attack on one of you is an attack on all of you. I didn't release that before but now I do. This is your home, and now it's my home. I just want to say... I'm sorry. For all the awful things I've said, the lies and ignorance that spews from my mouth. The truth is until I got here I didn't know the truth. I didn't see until I was forced to see. Casters aren't perfect, but neither is the outside world. There are more similarities between the people here and the people out there than any of you know. I was an outsider, I was an ignorant bigot, I know what they think of you because I was one of them. But now I'm also one of you guys. We can unite. All of us, Caster and non-caster. Maybe we won't be able to change everyone's mind about Casters, but I was one of the worst, and you guys changed my mind. Now I want to make a difference too. Show everyone out there how wrong they are about you guys. Casters are a community, a family, and I would like it very much if I could be part of this family too. It's time to bring balance back to Belmore. With the combination of light and dark, I am sure we can bring peace and equality to all in this community, Casters and Non-Casters alike." I finish.

"All that to say when you go to vote remember what people promise you. Sure you can get another vending machine here or there, add another restaurant to the dining hall. But ask yourself this, is that really the change you want to see? Or are you tired of people categorizing you? Remember us on voting day, remember that we will do everything in our power to bring real change. And if that's what you want too, then vote for Nerissa Holt and Emery Ellison!" Nerissa says.

People clap and cheer for us.

I let out a deep sigh.

That wasn't so bad.

Nerissa pats me on the shoulder and we walk off stage.

"Alright everyone, tomorrow's presentation will be at the same time and place. Be sure to come and support your favorite candidates." Asherah says before everyone starts filing out.

"Interesting take, but it won't get you far," Lysander says before walking off.

I glance at Vega and she locks eyes with me before walking after him.

"That didn't go as bad as I expected, we might actually stand a chance," Nerissa said.

"I thought I was going to throw up," I admit.

"Ew, good thing you didn't eat anything."

"So do you think people will back us?" I ask.

"Only time will tell. This isn't over, the battle has only just begun." With a flip of her braids, she walks out, and I quickly walk after her.

Looks like I have my work cut out for me. 

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