Chapter Eight

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Okay so maybe my first few days here haven't gone as smoothly as I would have liked, and mom certainly would be mad if she found out about all the commotion I've caused, but it's not my fault! Mostly. Okay, so maybe it is a little my fault, but can anyone really blame me? I didn't ask for any of this. I just want my normal life back, but it seems normal is now forever out of the equation.

If only there was like some special time magic that could help me stop all this before it happened. Wait, is there? Note to self, look into time magic.

My stomach growling is what ultimately drives me out of my room. I can't avoid eating forever. Sadly. So, I wheel myself out into the hall and head to the elevator that is until I got stuck on the corner of the wall. How do handicap people drive these things?

"Having trouble?"

I cringe just hearing her voice.

I must have the worst luck ever. It's official. No one can convince me otherwise.

I turn to see Dariyah and her beautiful evil sidekick, who I am going to assume is this Vega person Ro mentioned. They both have similar smirks on their face.

"I got it," I reverse back and try to correct the stupid wheelchair.

Dariyah walks over to me. I flinch when she moves her hand towards me. She doesn't hit me, instead, she helps me. I looked up at her in confusion. She pulls back my chair so that I am no longer stuck on the corner.

"What? I'm not your friend or anything, but you gave me a bad rap. Now people think I'm some psycho murderer or something. Asherah thinks we should make nice. So, what do you say?"

I can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not. I look at her then to Vega, then back to her.

"I thought they put you on temporary suspension," I point out.

"A girl's got to eat."

"We come in peace, honest," Vega said, but her wicked smile said something different.

"What do you say?" Dariyah outstretches her hand to me.

I eye the hand wrapped in a fingerless glove with spikes on the knuckles. If there was ever a clear sign I shouldn't trust someone, it would be spiky knuckles.

"We just want to be your friend," Vega eggs on.

I feel the peer pressure. I look around for back up, a way out, but we are alone. If I say no, who knows what these two psychos will do to me. So, even though I know I'll regret it, I take her hand and shake.

"Awesome, now let's go eat. I'm starving," She grabs hold of my chair.

She rolls me past the elevator and to the stairs, for a second, I thought she was going to throw me over. I clung to the chair for my life. That must have been her intent because she burst into laughter before turning me towards the elevator.

"Not funny!" I snap.

"I thought it was," She presses the elevator button.

She is going to kill me.

She rolls me all the way to the dining hall, every time someone would walk in our way she would shout,

"Out of the way death wish is coming through."

If I could turn invisible I would. Is that a thing I can do? Note to self, check to see if you can be invisible.

We got to the dining hall early so all the lines were short.

"I'm starved," Vega stretches and puts her arms behind her head glancing around at all the food places.

"Well?" Dariyah asks.

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