uh...hi||tomoatsu naoe

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source: Plus-Sized Elf


Working at a place that specialized in health made it easy for Naoe to watch himself and his health. He knew how to balance out his diet and how to lead a life of perfect health. It's why he tried his best to shy away from drinking with his boss (besides her keeping him there until it was near 2 am).

But he wasn't immune to it. That's why he was here, glued to some booth in a bar his boss frequented, trying not to drink to the point of blackout (something his boss didn't care to do with as much restraint). He sighed listening to his boss ramble, barely registering the staff coming up their table.

"Hey you two." Naoe looked up, not planning on seeing the most beautiful man to ever walk the Earth. The bar staff nodded his head, exasperated as he looked at Naoe's boss. "Yes, you two. We're closing up so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. We're not open 24/7 like the guys down the street." Naoe stiffly nodded, pressing his palms on the table to prepare himself to stand. 

That issue with the satyr he had a while ago was still pretty prominent, his stomach still plush with stubborn fat that wouldn't burn off (unlike Elfuda-san, he actually tried). As a result, his center of balance was a bit off, resulting in a bit more stumbling than he usually experienced. Now seemed to be one such time, as he staggered right into that handsome staff's broad chest, strong arms coming up to steady him.

"Whoa, whoa! Jeez, are you two really that drunk?" Naoe was too embarrassed to say anything, so he just let the man take his silence for whatever he would interpret. The guy Naoe had fallen into seemed pretty conflicted before he groaned and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, shit. If you guilt me like that then I guess I just gotta drive you guys home. Let's hope at least one of you is conscious."

Naoe took that moment to announce his awakeness, not elaborating that his stumbling was because he was fat, not drunk. The worker, introducing himself as (Y/n), easily piled Naoe's boss into the backseat, letting Naoe sit passenger. (Y/n) started his car and took off, not racing but something that could've definitely been considered unlawful. Naoe grabbed onto the handle above the passenger door, praying to God that (Y/n) was dutifully keeping his eyes on the road. 

"So, where's her place?" Naoe turned to (Y/n) before glancing at his boss. 

"She, uh, lives not to far from here. Just take a left and a right and her apartment building will be the one with wide glass doors." (Y/n) nodded, following Naoe's instructions to a tee, allowing Naoe to drag his boss inside and leave her with the landlord to carry up to her room. Now it was just Naoe and that sexy sexy man from the bar. Naoe lived a bit farther, since he liked his morning walk to work to give him a bit of a challenge, zooming past Hana-chan's flower shop. 

"So, Naoe-kun, what do you do?" Naoe perked up, blinking a few times before answering. 

"I'm a ... health specialist." (Y/n) nodded, glancing at naoe to look him up and down. The black haired man flushed, crossing his arms over his fat tummy. "I-I know it doesn't look like it, but I am." (Y/n) laughed and shook his head, just that sound making Naoe turn 1000 degrees hotter.

"I'm not thinking that I promise. Just wish that more health specialists looked as cute as you." Naoe stared, dumbfounded. Was ... Was he being hit on? Before he could respond,  (Y/n) slammed on the brakes right outside of Naoe's apartment. "This your stop?" Naoe nodded, exiting the car. He could feel (Y/n)'s eyes on him as he got out, definitely eyeing his butt that seemed too big to fit in any of his old jeans. Just as he closed the door and started to turn to walk away, (Y/n)'s passenger window rolled down and the guy leaned over, calling out to Naoe.

"Hey! Before you go take this!" And he held out a card. Naoe took it, (Y/n) winking at him with a smirk before speeding off, definitely at least 20 miles above the speed limit this time. Looking down at what (Y/n) had given him, Naoe flushed brightly. This was that ikemen's phone number! On the back of his family's business card, one of the most successful wineries this side of Japan! Naoe almost fainted, but settled for hiking his tipsy fat ass up to his apartment and collapsing on his couch, too tired to pull out his futon and heart racing thinking about his potential new boyfriend.


hi guys, you may ask why I am so slow. The answer is because i'm stupid. Take this fanfic for a manga that nobody knows about.

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