duvet || tsukishima kei

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source: haikyuu

artist: official


The bet was stupid. Tsukishima should've never accepted those terms at all, yet he'd let himself be swayed by arrogance. Now he had to talk to the resident weirdo at Karasuno, (L/n) (Y/n). A grumpy good for nothing who refused to speak to anybody unless provoked and never turned in any work. Everyone steered clear of him, not wanting to be associated with someone like that. Yet Tanaka had to grind his gears and get him all worked up. And look where he was now.

Standing outside (L/n)'s classroom, waiting for him to be the last one out.

Because (L/n) wasn't part of any clubs and went home late regardless (usually due to sleeping or daydreaming), classmates easily pushed their school chores onto him. He didn't complain at all, which Tsukishima thought was spineless of him. There wasn't a single good thing he could say about (L/n) in the slightest. He wasn't alone, most of the school detested him. Tsukishima had never cared to consider why. Still didn't, even as he watched (L/n) stand on his tiptoes to reach the very corners of the dusty chalkboard.

"Oi." (Y/n) nearly jumped out of his skin, jerking around so fast that the opposing blonde was almost worried he'd break his neck. The other boy, once realizing it was just some shitty kid, glared Tsukki's way, lips downturned in a scowl.

"What." The flat and dead reply make Tsukishima sneer. Alright, might as well get it over with instead of picking a fight. The blonde wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

"I -" Tsukishima's voice died in his throat. God, why was this harder than it was suposed to be? He didn't even like this dude. He straight up hated him. He wasn't even that cute, if Tsukki ever swung that way. He'd much rather prefer Yamaguchi if that was the case.

He cleared his throat and straightened up, hoping that closing his eyes would make it easier.

"Go out with me." Silence. Tsukishima opened one eye, peeking out from half lidded lashes. (L/n) was staring up at him with the dumbest expression on his face, eyes wide and mouth agape. It would've made Tsukki irritated if a cold sweat hadn't appeared on the back of his neck. The same part that was hoping (L/n) would reject him wanted (L/n) to say yes. Because if even the school weirdo didn't want him, what would that say about him?

The stunned look on (L/n)'s face turned into an angry scowl, the small tears that pooled at the corner of his eyes invisible unless you were where Tsukki was, watching fading sunlight jump off those pristine droplets.

"Very funny. Go fuck yourself." Tsukishima growled, glaring right back down at the 2nd year. He had to do this - he didn't want to lose 2500 yen to Tanaka and Nishinoya. He'd much rather preserve his financial dignity, thank you.

"As if I'd waste my time pulling your leg. Go out with me or not, it's a yes or no question." The anger from (L/n)'s face dissipated a little, his eyes darting to the open classroom door, noting the empty and silent hallway. He looked back up at Tsukishima, a twinge of hope glittering in his wet eyes.

"Are you sure?" Tsukishima was so close to leaving. How stupid was this guy? He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"What did I say, huh? Yes or no question." (Y/n) fiddled with his fingers a little bit, worrying his bottom lip as he turned over the decision in his head. He could feel Tsukishima boring holes into him but ... he, at least before he graduated, wanted a boyfriend. Anybody, really. He didn't want to leave high school with the mountain of regrets he was stockpiling.

"Yes," Tsukki blinked, half expecting (L/n) to reject him with how he was acting. The other boy was looking up at him with a flustered and shy expression, one that would've melted Tsukishima's heart if he didn't want to get this over with. "I - I'll go out with you, Tsukishima - kun."

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