the infamous almond tofu bod || xiao

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*weight gain*

source: genshin impact


With the sun filtering through the beams of Wangshu Inn and the warm breeze tickling his pale skin, the Yaksha should've been relaxed. There wasn't many times in life he was able to just sink into the softness of the bed below him and just enjoy the view. But he couldn't. Not when he couldn't tie his rope belt around his own waist. The adeptus was at a complete loss - how was he so ... like this? He couldn't remember the last time he had to ask for help with his clothes (of course Morax had helped when he was younger but that had been how many hundreds of years ago?) A pout formed across his chubby face, feathered brows furrowing as he tried to focus on getting as much extra belt as he could. 

Sucking in hadn't worked, as far as he could tell, because even sucking in didn't allow him to see his hands underneath his doughy overhang. With a disgruntled little growl, he cupped the soft fat and tried to peek around to see his rope belt. He could only see far enough to know that he was no where close to getting that belt tied. Adeptus Xiao was not one to give up, but he was one to know how to pick his battles. He plopped onto his room's bed without grace, deaf to the creak it screamed under his heft. An adeptus of all things should be able to protect Liyue as well as its people at any given momet. He couldn't do that without his belt, for what else could hold up his pants?

"Gotcha some more, in case you were still hungry," a chipper voice chirped, much more gleeful than Xiao had ever felt in his young adeptal life. (Y/n), a mortal nuisance (he was so pretty and kind and made the absolute best almond tofu), strode in, three plates of mildly sweet almond tofu in hand. Xiao subtly (not really) perked at the sight of the treats, mouth already starting to water. (Y/n) set the plates down on the small side table rubbing his hands to hopefully ease the cramp. Making 30 almond tofus a day wasn't much, but it was honest and hard work. 

However, Xiao made no move to reach out for the sweet treats. This was very unlike him, (Y/n) was intimately aware of. Sitting down as unintrusively as possible without directly squishing himself into the adepti's squishy side, (Y/n) rested his chin on Xiao's soft shoulder.

"What's up, Mr. Pouty Pout? Usually pounce at the chance for almond tofu." Xiao pursed his lips, red staining his round cheeks as he averted his gaze sheepishly. It was embarrassing, however Alatus was not a liar, and (Y/n) was not some random mortal.

"I ... my clothes ... " (Y/n)'s eyes glanced to his copious tum before a playful smirk spread on his face. 

"Oh," The adeptus burned up even more, his slightly pointed ears turning bright red. (Y/n) gave a hum and a gentle kiss to his sweet little emo's fat face before reaching over and grabbing a plate of almond tofu himself. "Well, I could always bring the tofu to you~" Xiao angrily pouted, eyes glaring at his 'boyfriend'. He was no incapable pup - He couldn't resist nomming down on the spoon of tofu that (Y/n) had started slowly moving towards his plump lips. He chewed and swallowed, but crossed his arms over his hefty breasts so that (Y/n) would know that he was NOT pleased about being fed. That didn't stop (Y/n) in the slightest. 

On the third (and hopefully final) plate of almond tofu, (Y/n) gave the last large spoonful a playful jiggle, Xiao focusing hard on the miniscule movement. His face flushed, knowing exactly what the mortal was implying.

"C'mon, last bite, big guy." Xiao grunted unhappily at the teasing remark, but nonetheless leaned forward and accepted the large bite. Once he swallowed, Xiao allowed himself to give a content sigh and lean back, a comforting hand on his full belly. (Y/n) nudge the side with a gentle knuckle, eyes fond.

"Y'know, you might wanna cut back before you eat so much you turn into almond tofu. You're basically already halfway there." Xiao frowned but didn't open his eyes, instead opting to just purse his lips and ignore the other. (Y/n) wouldn't let him though. The mortal crawled over to his side and curled up, enjoying the warmth for as long as he could before he had to part from Xiao in order not to take on too much karma. Xiao let him, even allowing himself to rest his head on top of (Y/n)'s. It was nice, being able to be soft and full and warm and happy like this. 

"Even if you turned into a big jiggly plate of almond tofu, I'd still love you." The blush that had been resigned to Xiao's cheeks at first started to stain the bottom of his neck. 

"N - Nonsense," he muttered sheepishly. (Y/n) giggled, wrapping his arms around Xiao as far as he could.

"So, how would you rate my almond tofu today? Anything you'd like me to change?" Xiao went quiet to think, before he licked the residual sugar off his plump, pink lips and mindlessly asked,

"Do you have any more?"


smth short and cute for a homie my favorite homie, also my laptop is about to die and its 1 am, CHEERS

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