Chapter 27

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"Do you want me to start? Or do you want to start?" Kassidy inquired as we sat in a window booth seat.

I sipped gingerly from the vanilla latte he'd ordered for me, glancing out through the large pane at the city walkers and taxis beeping loudly in the streets. I almost felt as if I was owed some answers—I'd already told him more than I intended to. However, the secrecy he approached the topic of his life with made me wary, as if there was something he might tell me that I didn't necessarily want to know. And yet, I could sense the purity in his intentions, the honesty and innocence in his tortured gaze. It was a strange combination.

"You go first," I relented. "Ask away."

I was choosing my cards carefully here—the types of questions he asked would give me ideas on what to ask him.

Kassidy pursed his lips and leaned forward on his elbows, thinking.


I nodded and gestured with my hands for him to continue.

"I can choose which ones I don't want to answer, though," I reminded him pointedly. "Let's say, for the sake of just today, each of us is owed three answers by the other. Deal?"

"Hmm..." He took a swig from his drink, his gray eyes still apologetic and gentle. "That sounds fair."

Smiling softly, I crossed my legs under the table and willed my elevated heartbeat to calm down. It seemed odd to me that I was entrusting myself to an almost-stranger—the only thing keeping me from backing out was his promise to answer questions, as well. We were both Nen users, and if I knew one thing about the real world, it was that Nen was considered a conspiracy theory, something of fables and fiction. It was one of the main things which bonded me to him, kept the interest alive, apart from his unending torment beneath the surface of every word he spoke.

His fingers tapped restlessly on the table as he thought. The casual tunes of the coffee shop played sweetly around the quiet conversations of other customers, and I examined the peaceful place while I waited, enjoying the soft tones of ivory and brown and musky green around the floors and walls and chairs. This one was much more modern-looking than the last one Kassidy had met me at—I studied one of the walls which had been completely open to passerby-artists, marveling at the montage of random depictions, mostly abstract, and a few faces among the array of colors. Someone and their partner were now painting on it, adding what looked like a crescent moon and a few stars.

"Where do you live in York New? Or do you actually live here?" he asked, his gentle voice interrupting my absent gazing.

Shit, that's a good question.

I bit my lip, deciding whether or not I should answer. Honestly, I didn't even know where I lived—or rather, where Chrollo lived. I knew it was outside of York New, but I didn't know how to answer it in specifics, and specific answers were required for this questionnaire.

"Pass," I mumbled, taking another drink from my coffee.

Kassidy's eyes glinted suspiciously, but a smile hung on the edges of his lips.

"Alright, um..." He trailed off slightly, his brows coming down over his eyes. "I don't want to ask anything that will make you uncomfortable. I apologize in advance if I do."

I shrugged, avoiding his open stare by looking down to the now-messy shape in the top of my drink.

"It's okay. I'll just pass if I don't want to answer."

Nodding slowly, he inhaled and twined his fingers together. His exterior was careful and genuine; I appreciated that about him, despite how business-like and sassy he could be.

Lucilfer (ChrolloxReader)Where stories live. Discover now