Chapter 60

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The soothing sensation of wispy, slow strokes back and forth over my bicep hazily brought my consciousness up from the grave of sleep, sending feeling first into my arms and then my legs, my curling toes, and my face. Gentle, muted thuds played tranquil songs against my ears, and serene expansions lulled my morning body into a deeper relaxation, easing me into the responsibility of awakening to my surroundings. My eyes opened halfway—I focused through the daze of my vision on my softly exposed legs, bathed in natural, misty light, and the lack of appearance from the downy burgundy fleece of the thick blankets which usually enveloped my body upon the rise of the sun.

I'm warm... how am I warm if there are no blankets? I thought, the first disoriented wonderment skidding through my mind.

But as I rose completely from the disarming calm of slumber, I perceived more fully the steady sound of a quiet heartbeat and the even breaths carefully expanding beneath my head. There were two arms linked around my waist—I became gradually more aware of my position as being nuzzled tightly against another body, but I was sat almost upright.


I could inhale his musky, comforting scent clearly now. A leisurely smile infected my tired features as I recognized that I was cradled in his lap—he held me angularly between his legs, with my own legs resting over his thigh and my torso propped against his bare chest, kept secure by his loose grasp. I could register the feeling of his soft fingertips running up and down over my arm, which was uncovered due to the black camisole I wore, as well as the sleep shorts I'd changed into after our bath the previous night. I'd fallen asleep in a similar position by listening to his doting praises, which were still fresh in my mind, rhythmic breaths, and sweet reassurances.

"Is this comfortable for you, my love?"

"Do you know how beautiful you are to me, (Y/n)?"

"I promise to stay right here if you get tired."

He must've actually stayed in the same position all night—for his sake, I hoped he'd actually earned at least a few hours of sleep.

Drawing in slowly through my nose, I lifted my hand and pressed my palm gently to his abdomen, marveling at the smooth texture of his skin and earning a small chuckle from him.

"You're awake," he breathed quietly, kissing my forehead once. "Did you have a peaceful night, my love? Were there any nightmares?"

I shrugged and smiled slightly, shaking my head against his chest. In reality, it was a great relief that I hadn't suffered any subconscious images of anxiety, or at least, none that I could remember. It had begun to feel like every night was just another delve into the plunging guilt or irrational fear, and apparently, I often talked in my sleep—it was a relief to me for Chrollo's peace of mind, as well as mine, that I could be granted undisturbed unconsciousness.

"I slept really good," I amended through a sigh, inwardly shaking away the mild traces of trepidation at the mention of those nightmares. "What about you, pretty lover?"

With a low hum, he carefully grabbed ahold of my hand on his abdomen, lacing our fingers together and tracing his slender thumb over my skin. I flickered my gaze up to peer at his face, but as I did so, I felt the smallest pounding twinge in my temples—the minuscule discomfort brought clear pictures from the other evening racing back to my thoughts, and I bit down reflexively on the inside of my mouth, trying to stifle the inevitable warmth from rising too quickly to my cheeks.

My eyes were probably straining more dramatically than I realized.

Perhaps that had been the original reason why I hadn't been plagued with any fears—my body, and my mind, were too exhausted to torture themselves.

Lucilfer (ChrolloxReader)Where stories live. Discover now