Chapter 62

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Shivers prickled over my skin and left goosebumps on my exposed body as I stepped out of the wide shower. The air felt cool, despite the humidity in the bathroom, directly out of the warm water I'd just been submerged under, and droplets swirled down my neck and backside and legs, increasing the muffled shakes elicited in my form. With slow movements, I clutched one of the large black towels and pressed it first over my head, drying my hair haphazardly before dabbing my chest and thighs and then wrapping it snugly around my shoulders. The streaming sound of the shower halted as Chrollo turned the nob—I shifted to glance slyly at his elegant shape when he stepped out behind me.

His head was lowered, his dark locks heavy and draping down wildly around his ears and temples and obscuring the ornate cross tattoo above his brows. Beads of water which hung from his hair were tossed gracefully away as he shook gently back and forth, and he raised a hand to push the strands interrupting his forehead back absently—shadowed irises blinked up to mine, dramatic lashes framing them, and full lips parted infinitesimally as he stepped closer, stretching an arm around me to grab a towel of his own. His bare abdomen brushed up against me when he pulled away, the rough plains of ethereal porcelain softly expanding and rippling with his breath, and light glinted off of the translucent, clear liquid collecting in miniature pools down his collar and biceps.

I swallowed and stifled a smile, observing nonchalantly when Chrollo picked up the towel off the floor, turning with his back to me to hang it up on the silver wall hooks. He wrapped the clean one around his waist—as he did so, I studied the sharp flex of his shoulder blades around the cut of the spider tattoo, the way it shifted with his muscular back and relaxed fully when his lean arms came to rest on either side of his body. Finally, he moved back towards me, and I didn't miss the peculiar spark in his gaze when my eyes landed on the falling structure of his hips and the low set of the fluffy towel beneath them.

He advanced lithely, winding his arms around my midsection from behind and setting his chin in the crook of my neck, peering at my face in the foggy mirror, and pressed me into his abdomen smoothly. His dampened shoulders covered and made contact with my skin when he leaned in to place a kiss on my collarbone, holding me securely. Releasing a deep sigh, I gripped the towel tighter and forced my limbs to let go of their tension.

"Are you feeling better, love?" he asked into my jugular, reaching up to pull some of my hair out of the way and allowing himself easier access to kissing a trail up the side of my throat.

I hesitated before answering, subconsciously working to quell the mild rise in my heartbeat at his question. Now, there were only two weeks until he left—every dragging, flying minute that passed reminded me ruthlessly of my continued failure with Feeler, of the fact that I would be without my comforter, my protector, for far too long, and of the weighing responsibility that had slowly made itself apparent. With my gradual realization came dread and apprehension, the only real things I had begun to feel when I wasn't suffocated by the numbness of loss.

All day, Chrollo had been attentive and placating, making due to my every need without requiring anything in return, but I hated that the boiling reason behind it was my fault. I'd been aloof and dull, and it was escalating exponentially so. He noticed—he always noticed my minuscule outward and inward changes, even when I wasn't aware. I despised my inability to keep desolation under a strict control, and the way such desolation was attributed to a necessary departure, something he couldn't help.

But as the sun fell in the sky, there was another catalyst for my rising wariness. Even though the moment of his leave was coming ever closer, he'd never once mentioned it or rushed me into preparing. If I wasn't so fixated on my predisposed knowledge, I might've even been able to divert my attention from the impending date, the way I'd been able to the last time he left, but I suppose, in a way, I had to stay fixated.

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