Chapter 2

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"What made you choose that name for yourself?"

    Chrollo looked down to me once again, adjusting his coat over my legs when I shivered against the harsh wind. It wasn't terribly cold, but the gusty breeze made it feel that much chillier.

    "I suppose you could say inspiration, or character relation," he mused, thoughtful.

    I tilted my head, noticing for the first time that he was shirtless underneath the large coat. I fought to keep my cheeks from flushing hotly as my thoughts instantly directed to the plains of muscle comfortably relaxed beneath me, holding me. At this point, I didn't care if I wasn't experiencing a reflex reaction to this. Finally feeling safe in someone's arms felt really fucking good--I didn't care if this Chrollo was a stranger. He was beautiful.

    "What kind of character relation?" I queried as I shifted in his grasp, laying my head directly against his chest.

    He didn't flinch, just simply leaned back against the rock we were propped up against. I felt his heart beating slow and steady in my ear, but there was something off about it.

    "Are you religious?" He seemingly ignored my question.

    I shrugged, thinking back to my strange state of consciousness. How long ago was that? How long had he been holding me?

    "Not really," I murmured. "It all seems like a ploy sometimes, you know? There were churches where I came from, mostly Christian churches. I never really bought into it. If there is a supreme being, I think They shouldn't be defined and limited by humans."

    Chrollo was silent again. I looked up to his face and saw him staring absently into the fire.

    "That's a very poetic way of looking at things." His soft voice was tinged with awe. "It's very true, in fact. I, myself, am not religious. However, I find there to be great profundity within the essence of those religions. My name was inspired through character relations to that of the antagonist of the Christian faith."

    I wasn't shocked or surprised by his words. Somehow, they seemed to make sense for him. I wondered if the cross-like tattoo had anything to do with his inspiration.

    He's definitely not Jesus.

    The thought made me smile faintly against his chest. My mind still felt weak, but I was conscious enough to know I certainly hadn't been hallucinating or dreaming or having an out-of-body experience. Chrollo must have found me passed out and decided to take it upon himself to get me to safety.

    I feel hydrated. . .Did he give me water? Where on earth did he even come from?

    "What characteristic of Lucifer's do you relate to in particular?" I wondered aloud.

    "There are many, I suppose," he whispered. "Let me ask you this: do you believe Lucifer deserved what he was given?"

    I genuinely pondered over his question. Was Lucifer even an antagonist? Of course, there was the whole deal of him trying to be like God, but weren't all the angels in heaven trying to aspire to God's level? Isn't that why they worshipped him? Because they understood that he was the highest being and that they were striving to be like him? Maybe God was a jealous son of a bitch and saw Lucifer's potential to actually rise to his level and became angry and kicked him out.

    "I don't think he did." My eyes drooped sleepily as I spoke.

    Chrollo looked down at me and held my chin, turning my gaze to his gently. Once again, his expression was unreadable.

    "I don't think he did, either," he agreed. "And just as we are unsure of this fact, how can we also be sure of the story we were given? The bible was written in the perspective and favor of the Christian God through the medium of a third person. Of course, we are going to hear God's side. What about Lucifer's side?" His hand cupped my cheek as he spoke, his gaze focused on something. "Lucifer was simply aspiring to be like his one and only mentor, his teacher, his father, his brother, and Jehovah saw those aspirations as a threat. For that, Lucifer was banished from heaven and sent to hell. At least, he was able to take a legion along with him, to do his bidding and to, for the rest of eternity, wreak havoc on the world which betrayed him."

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