Chapter 29

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The echoed chattering of voices caught my attention as I sat silently beside Chrollo. I pulled my phone out robotically to check the time.

11:04 p.m.

My head raised, and I tuned in to the sound of Machi's quiet laughter and Shalnark's voice. Feitan and Kalluto appeared first from the rocky entrance, both of them expressionless, and Phinks came in after them. He didn't look up at me; he ambled directly towards Nobunaga and Franklin, his face smooth and nonchalant—I was glad about that. Shizuku walked in, as well, turning to wait for the others.

"Listen, I have good music taste," Shal quipped, his voice lighthearted and easy. "Phinks is just a pessimist. At least, Feitan didn't seem to care."

Machi snickered under her breath, and I watched as the pink of her hair announced her entrance. Shalnark was right next to her, a joking incredulousness apparent in his jovial features.

"Hey, I'm not complaining." Machi threw her hands up in defeat, shrugging. "I'd rather listen to you on aux than Phinks, anyway."

"Not all of us want to listen to techno and pop music, Shal!" Phinks hollered, a smile tinting his tone.

I blinked, surprised at the good-natured mood he was in. Curiously, I squinted and tried to get a good look at his hands. The one I'd injured must have already healed somehow—both of them appeared perfectly fine.

Maybe I really did earn some respect.

If that was the case, then I was pleased. There were no glares or malicious expressions directed towards me at all, even when his gaze connected momentarily with mine. A little bit of the muted anxiety seemed to settle as a result, and I sighed quietly, relieved.

"I don't even have a preference," Feitan drawled, uninterested. "It's all boring to me."

My eyes focused on Kalluto, noting how silent and watchful he was. I'd never spoken to him, or Franklin for that matter, but Franklin seemed much more approachable, or at least, as approachable as a member of a criminal gang could be. Kalluto was only a child—I wondered what his Nen ability was, and how useful he would be during this mission, and morbidly, why he was a part of the Troupe in the first place.

Would he be offended if I asked?

"Are we all supposed to pile into two cars?" Nobunaga inquired, leaning back against the rough cement wall.

"Whoever I ride with better not complain about my music." Shal huffed, a grin twitching up the edges of his lips.

I laughed softly to myself and turned to look at Chrollo—he was still reading, always aloof to his surroundings, always thinking. As I stared absently at the inverted cross decorating the back of his coat, visible due to him leaning forward on his knees, I wondered if it had been a good idea to choose to fight without him. Of course, I trusted that Machi and Shizuku were capable fighters, and obviously, I would be the one who needed to solely defeat my own tormentor, but I'd become so used to leaning on him when things were mentally difficult, when flashbacks swallowed me whole and left me a puddle on the ground.

But that's why it's important that I do this without him.

I needed to prove to myself that I was sufficient, that I wasn't co-dependent on any strength he offered me. In the process, though, I endlessly appreciated and valued Chrollo's efforts. He'd taught me so many things, sacrificed so much for me, meaning it was even more imperative that I take his word and have faith in myself, and in Machi and Shizuku.

The waiting is what seemed to build a relentless suspense. Listening to the mindless chatter of the Troupe members helped, but I was itching to leave. Even then, it would be around nine and a half hours of driving, not including any stops that needed to be made. It would be pitch dark by the time we arrived, and the perimeter walkers would probably already be out, making a round to secure the premises. My palms perspired at the thought of how we would sneak in—it would probably make more sense not to bother with waiting for the guards to finish. It would be simpler to kill them on the spot, to utilize each of the Troupe members and assign them all a different target. I wasn't aware of everyone's abilities, but I was sure they were all lethal.

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