Chapter 16

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My body froze immediately, and I didn't respond at first, as if somehow whoever this was would think nobody was on the other end. I considered just hanging up—I had no idea who I was dealing with, and if I was being honest with myself, I knew almost nothing about the Phantom Troupe other than the fact that they weren't exactly upstanding citizens. Or, perhaps he would get annoyed with my silence and hang up. That way, I didn't have to worry about making the decision to say anything.

"Is anyone—there?" he asked, his voice sounding disinterested, tired, and short.

I bit my lip and looked worriedly over at Chrollo's resting form, at his sleep-like state.

I can't leave him like this and then just go get coffee.

If I considered the situation logically, I knew that nothing would really happen if I left him alone—it just felt wrong. Part of me almost wanted to just decline Kassidy's invitation so I could stay and watch Chrollo myself and not have to worry about connecting with Troupe members.

But he'll want to make contact with them as soon as he can when he wakes up, anyway, I reminded myself. And I could probably use a little distraction. It would help pass the time.

I thought of all of this within the first few moments of the phone call. Once again, I looked over at his relaxed body, making my decision.

"Um, hello?" My voice sounded timid.

I cursed inwardly and tried to pull myself together.

"Who is this?" the choppy voice sounded on the other line.

"Uh... I-I'm (Y/n)," I stammered, unable to collect myself and desperately searching for a way I could convincingly start an explanation of my situation. "Are you... number two of the Phantom Troupe?"

I could almost hear the annoyed expression in his wispy voice when he said, "Yes. What about it?"

For an infamously inconspicuous band of thieves, he seems pretty ready to give up that information, I thought, surprised. But it just made me wonder about how dangerous he was and how confident he was in his ability to get by with anything. I swallowed.

"Hi," I said again. "I'm the Nen Exorcist, and I, um... wanted to call and ask a favor concerning Chrollo."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment. I held my breath in anticipation, listening intently for a response. I heard another male voice in the background, this one gruffer, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. A few long seconds passed.

"What is the favor?" The uneven voice spoke.

I exhaled quietly, relieved.

"So, the exorcism is midway—he should wake up sometime on Sunday fully restored. I have somewhere I need to be tomorrow, though, and I know he'll be safe here, but..." I flickered my gaze back to Chrollo. "...well, um—I thought it might be safer if his Troupe members were aware of the situation-"

"Where is your location?" The man interrupted me, sounding irritated.

I blinked. "Chrollo's h-house."

Again, there was silence on the other end. I wished I could just scream and hang up and say nevermind. I felt sort of dumb now.

Lucilfer (ChrolloxReader)Where stories live. Discover now