Chapter 59

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"No one even knows how hard life was;
I don't even think about it now, because
I finally found you."

Radio - Lana Del Rey


White and yellow hues from the swiftly passing cars on the highway, which had once flashed drastically across my vision, melded into soft, silky black and a swirling combination of deep navy and musky green as our drive took us from the interstate onto the rolling, forested road home. The trees were swathed in floating nighttime, blending effortlessly into the blackened atmosphere and hardly illuminated by the few twinkling pinpricks of light in the clouded sky. Above the almost blooming treetops, I could just make out the silver gleam of a hanging claw in the dark blanket over the world, the moon acting as a single tear in bleak space, and she was gracefully suspended, as always.

Eager apprehension mangled in my heart and stomach, building and creating a static tension in the car. The silence nearly felt unbearably loud. Chrollo's hand on my thigh had moved back to the wheel to steady its turning—he was still holding Bandit's Secret open in his left palm—as we pulled into the gravelly entrance to his bricked drive marked by the enormous stone pillars, and I couldn't tell if the sudden absence of his touch disappointed or relieved me. Or, perhaps it added to the electricity between us.

The dragging trip finally ebbed, however, and the glossy black car hummed to a stop beside the white Jeep. With practically shaking hands, I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out through the unlocked passenger door, waiting expectantly as Chrollo strode around beside me and walked me up to the porch and the front door. Curiously, I studied the page his Nen book was flipped to when he led me inside, squinting my eyes and reading the bolded inscription in the center of the rightmost paper.

Fun-Fun Cloth—odd.

He pulled the key fob out of his pocket and hung it up on the wrack, bending down to one-handedly unzip his matte black boots. I had to jerk my mind back to focusing on unlatching my own complex shoes when my gaze strayed to the hanging satin over his chest, revealing the plains and sharp cut of his abdomen with the way he leaned forward—my face flushed slightly, and I forced myself to begin the three buckles on my first shoe, working as quickly as possible, because now I was the one waiting for the taunting moment when he would own me, when I would be held at his mercy.

He waited calmly while I kicked off the boot and rushed to undo the second, wrenching the zippers down and freeing myself of them entirely. When I looked up, his expression was loose, peaceful, but his irises carried that same promise from before, darkened and glittering. The aura he maintained seemed denser, more intense and sending tingles down my spine as a result of the suspenseful desire emanating from it. A smile softened his features, though, lifting his angular structure slightly, and he extended his free hand to me—without a word, I twined my fingers to his and walked at his side past the massive, embellished staircases, turning to the right down the hall and towards the music room.

My heart was already beating jaggedly and ringing mildly in my ears. The built-up excitement from the heist and the stress from almost drowning in a flashback had dissipated, leaving behind a mysterious impatience, an ache for what I knew would happen, what I wanted to happen. But that longing was insufferable—I found myself searching for a way to quell it, to relieve the effect his tranquil awaiting had on me.

The music room was dark when we entered it, and he pulled away to flip on the one lamp beside the small couch, keeping the lighting dim and tantalizing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and set it down on a little wooden table to my right, watching as he glanced at Bandit's Secret and reached into his coat.

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