Chapter 11

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"So, now I can get calls and texts from anyone?" I asked warily.

    Kassidy had completely guided me through the process of setting up my new phone—I had a number and everything. There were so many identification steps, and I started to get a little stressed when a surname was required. I didn't tell Kassidy that I didn't have one; I just entered (L/n), once again the first name that came to mind. The phone had me start up an email, too, and I picked out a number to attach to the device. Regardless of my confusion on the technology, though, it was very exciting.

    I wish Chrollo would have given me his number so I could text him. He's probably wondering why I'm taking so long.

    The time read about half past twelve, and I knew that I would be stuck at that phone store for a few minutes longer. I knew I'd be back much later than he anticipated, and I didn't want him to worry.

    "You can really only get calls and texts from people who know your number," he explained kindly, pulling out his phone and opening an app. He scrolled through the list of names that came up, demonstrating his point. "These are the people's numbers I have saved in my contacts list. Once you know someone's number, you can call or text them and add them to your contact list so whenever you search their name, their number comes up."

    I nodded, pursing my lips and furrowing my brows as I looked for the same app on my phone screen. When I opened it, I saw that it was empty, and that there was a plus sign in the upper righthand corner.

    "Is this where I add a new contact?"

    Kassidy peered over my shoulder and smiled sweetly.

    "Yes." His voice sounded airy over a soft chuckle.

    "Hmm." I tilted my head and turned to face him, thinking. "Can I add your number? You can show me how to do it that way."

    He blinked, surprise making his eyes widen.

    "Sure," he agreed abashedly.

    I smiled largely and passed the device over to him, watching as he silently walked me through the process of adding contacts. I tried to commit it to memory—I didn't want to be completely helpless when it came to tech-savviness by the time I went home, but it was all so much to keep track of.

    "Now you can enter my name." Kassidy handed me my phone back, speaking in his soft tones. "Just type it right in here."

    Again, I nodded and did as he showed me, typing in his name for the contact list.

    "And if I text you, you'll get the message immediately?" I inquired.

    He laughed lightly, his eyes closing endearingly.

    "Yes, of course," he said. "Have you never had a phone before?"

    I felt my face flush, and I looked back down at my hands, gripping the small device a little bit tighter. I didn't plan on divulging any of my extremely personal information to this young man, even though he felt safe and trustworthy, but my ignorance of technology was pretty inescapable at this point. There wasn't really any way for me to deny it.

    "Honestly, I haven't." I sighed, turning off the phone and putting it back in the box so I could carry everything out easier. "I was never... allowed to have one."

    Something like that, I guess.

    Miserable memories from my past, which seemed so far away when I was with Chrollo but always came creeping back whenever I wasn't, began to surface slowly. Desperately, I tried to focus on the fresh lemony smell of the store, the stiff sleekness of its interior accents, and Kassidy's soothing aura beside me. As I did so, I once again felt the bizarre density raging in his presence, like there was some unspoken rage or passion hiding beneath a facade. It wasn't amoral or dangerous, though—it was determined and just and, above all, despondent. I wished so badly to activate Feeler, but I thought better of it and decided to keep my personal identity as hidden as possible.

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