Chapter 39

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"Don't let him fall in love with you, (Y/n). You're mine."

Misty swirls of gray fog billowed hazily around me, and my levels of awareness were low, stifled by a thick, stagnant atmosphere of simply being, simply existing. Somewhere in the muffled, staticky surroundings, ones which closed in on me with menacing grins and ran off with my lungs to leave me a confused, unorganized mess who tried so desperately to remember how to breathe in the hot, burning air, but never could, I heard an echoey, low tone, rich and smooth and familiar, but blue and ringing with a shattering, wrenching plea. It was the sort of plea spoken by one who is already painfully aware of the fact that their words are useless, but they plead anyway, if only for some self-validated security, some comfort learned in the action of hoping, alone.

"Don't let him fall in love with you, (Y/n). You're mine."

It kept spinning around uncontrollably in my too-quick mind. Everything felt as though it were moving at an infuriatingly slow pace, or perhaps time felt as though it was moving so quickly that, to contrast, no time had passed as a result. Two minutes felt like hours upon hours. And my head felt like each hour that passed was another hit, another draw, another sip, piling up and increasing the unforgiving snapping and slurring of my rapid gunfire thoughts, thoughts which came at a ridiculously high rate. Because of this, nothing seemed to stand out among the confusion.

But who is that voice? What are they saying? I wished, if I could get myself to focus on one thing, that I could put a name to the tone, a face to the sound. As an irritating addition, it felt repeated, as if I'd heard it before, or I was supposed to hear it, but physically was unable to digest it and truly listen. Where had I heard it before?

"Don't let him fall in love with you, (Y/n). You're mine."

Before my impossibly heavy eyes, I could only see a blur of that same mist which seemed to drag me further and further away from a foundation, from reality, from consciousness. The voice reverberated from ear to ear, but I couldn't turn or move—I didn't want to turn or move. My body was so tired. I was so tired.

"Don't let him fall in love with you, (Y/n). You're mine."

I wished I could comfort that sad voice, that despairing, tortured sound. The words were confident, but the way in which they were spoken was a low, broken hearted whisper, the murmur of one who fights against what must be, what has to be, or what they fear to be.

"Don't let him fall in love with you, (Y/n). You're mine."

"Don't let him fall in love with you."

"You're mine."

"Mine. Only mine."

"Please, (Y/n)."

Please, what? Everything was fading. I couldn't feel any emotions—not anger, not sadness, not even fright. Everything faded. Everything.

Even the voice. Where did the voice go? I longed to hear it's pretty, soothing, kind tones again.

But I couldn't. I was alone.


Morning light—or, was it morning? It could have been afternoon—greeted me harshly, and a steady ringing in my ears seemed to grow with every step towards consciousness. A faint pounding in my head made me wary of opening my eyes to the bright surroundings, but it wasn't unbearable. If I didn't know any better, it could have just been the result of going to sleep after a long day of not enough water. Though, I understood that wasn't the real reason.

Lucilfer (ChrolloxReader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα