[34] Study Hard!

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In lieu of exams, you were studying constantly. No video games, no slacking off or going to the mall with Mina - just studying 24/7. It was driving you nuts. Nejire was helping you the best she could, and you had been able to study with her, Tamaki, and Mirio, but they were definitely more advanced than you. Kurapika helped nen capabilities wise, but...

You still hadn't thought up how you wanted to go about creating your new hatsu.

In a way, you envied the people of this world with quirks. From since a majority of them could remember, they've already had an ability to hone in and get used to. They didn't have to worry about coming up with something stupid like you were worrying about.

The problem wasn't so much that you couldn't think of ideas, it was that you couldn't think of ideas that wouldn't seem so far-fetched outside of your quirk. Kurapika could only help so much, unfortunately. The rest was up to you, and while you had some vague ideas on what you wanted to do, you weren't sure how to go about testing them, let alone writing it off as your "boost" quirk. Talk about a load of stress.

It was finally the weekend, and as much as you wanted to go see that new action movie in theaters, you had other plans. Today was the day Momo had agreed to help you all study, and you felt somewhat bad that she had unknowingly offered to take on your academic failure. It's not that you were bad at school, so much as you never had to study for Japan's history, hero informatics, or Japanese before hand. You were at a severe disadvantage unfortunately, and your hopes weren't looking too bright at the moment.

Looking up, you could only gaze at the giant house in awe. No, not house - mansion. It put the Zoldyck estate to shame, although hopefully this place wouldn't have a scary (but honestly gorgeous) butler or torture rooms.

Seeing a little button in front of you and assuming it to be the intercom, you pressed it. Immediately, Momo's voice spoke up in excitement.

"Oh, Freecss, you're here! Come right on in!"

The gates opened after a moment, and you slowly walked inside, keeping an eye out. Momo's family didn't seem like it, but you didn't want to risk being eaten by a gigantic dog like the one at the Zoldyck estate.

After a few minutes of walking down the long path, you saw Momo, who was waiting in the door in excitement as she quickly let you in and guided you to a dining room.

"Um, thanks again for letting me come a couple hours early!" She beamed at you, telling you it was no problem while she fetched some tea for you both, saying that you two needed to wait for the others before bringing out the snacks.


Without hesitation, the two of you had started to study, Momo realizing quick enough that you were really behind as she corrected your history practice test for the 4th time.

"Freecss, do you really not know the capital of Japan?"

You flushed out of embarrassment. She hadn't asked in a mean way or anything, just genuinely curious, but you could feel your face and ears redden all the same. "Call me [Y/n]," you corrected her first, seeing her blush and lighten up. "And, well, you see, I was home-schooled..?" Even that excuse sounded lame, and you had slumped right afterwards. It wasn't your fault you were from a whole other world!

Momo sighed, patting your shoulder. She seemed to sense your excuse was a lie, but didn't say anything about it. Instead, she stayed silent for a moment, thinking, before getting an idea. "What if you studied with flash cards?"


"You're not doing too well taking information from the book. I can hazard a guess as to what will be on the test, so why don't I make you flash cards? That way you can take them home, and I'm sure Aizawa-sensei would be more than happy to help you study."

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