[x.3] Crack Chapter

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Kaminari: The moon landing was fake!
[Y/N]: PFFFFT you believe in the moon?


Bakugou: You look nice, I want to kiss you.
[Y/n]: Uh, what?


[Y/n]: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Todoroki: I can't smile just because I feel like it?
Deku: Kachaan got wrecked during practice today.


Kaminari: Hey, do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Sero: You're a hazard to society.
[Y/n]: And a coward. Do 20!


Aizawa: I'm not doing too well.
Aizawa: I have this headache that comes and goes.
[Y/n]: *walks into the classroom*
Aizawa: Oh look, there it is again.


[Y/n]: Hey, I had NOTHING to do with it!
[Y/n]: ... Okay, it was my idea, but I don't feel good about it.


[Y/n]: Okay, let's just agree to say "sorry" on the count of three! One... Two... Three...
Alright, now I'm disappointed in the both of us.


[Playing Scrabble]

Uraraka: I will put my 'A' down to make 'A'.
Jirou: I will add to your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Mina: I will add to your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Momo: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC'.
[Y/n]: *flips board*


Shigaraki: I could kill you if I wanted to.
[Y/n]: Yeah? So could another human being.
[Y/n]: So could Hisoka.
[Y/n]: So could a dedicated duck.
[Y/n]: You aren't special, Shitty-raki.


[Y/n]: I can't do it. It's against my moral compass.
Hawks: Your moral compass is a ROULETTE WHEEL.


Iida: You know, jumping out of helicopters is dangerous. They say one in five people don't even make it to the ground.
[Y/n]: What do you mean they don't make it to the ground? Where the fuck do they go?!


Kirishima: Bakugou is choking, I need to call 911 but the 9 isn't working!
[Y/n]: Turn the phone upside down and use the 6!
Kirishima: Genius!
Bakugou: *stops choking momentarily* what the FUCK--


[Y/n]: I've done a lot of dumb shit.
Killua: I've witnessed the dumb shit.
Leorio: I remembered the dumb shit.
Killua: I've recorded the dumb shit.
Gon: I've joined in on the dumb shit!
Kurapika: . . . I've TRIED to stop YOU from doing the dumb shit!


Deku: Imagine if somebody handed you a box of all of the things you've lost throughout life!
[Y/n]: It would be nice to get my sense of purpose back!
Todoroki: Oh, my childhood innocence. Thank you for finding this.
Kirishima: My will to live! I haven't seen this in 15 years!
Iida: I knew I lost my potential somewhere.
Bakugou: Mental stability, my old friend!
Deku: Could you guys lighten up a little...?


Todoroki: Remember when I told you to not talk to strangers?
[Y/n]: Yes?
Todoroki: I wish you had listened.
Dabi: I'm not a stranger, I'm literally your fucking brother!
Dabi: What the fuck? Why do you always act like you don't know me?!
Todoroki: Probably because I wish I didn't know you.


[Y/n]: That's ridiculous, Shouto doesn't have a crush on me!
Deku: Yes he does.
Uraraka: Yeah, he does.
Iida: He does.
Todoroki: Yes, I do.


Literally anybody: Would you slap Hisoka for 1 million dollars?
[Y/n]: I would roundhouse kick him in the face for free.


Bakugou: There was something that prevented me from having friends when I was younger.
[Y/n]: It must have been your personality.


Leorio: This must be a romantic comedy!
Leorio: [Y/n] and I are the main characters, therefore love interests.
Kurapika: What are we, then?
Leorio: You guys are the homosexual supporting cast!


Todoroki: I've brought reinforcements!
Deku: You brought All Might?
Todoroki: Well, no, but I brought the next best thing.
[Y/n]: Sup?
Deku: [Y/n]? You brought [Y/n]?! The next best thing would have been Aizawa-sensei!
[Y/n]: Normally I'd be offended, but he is right.


Kurapika: Nothing in life is free.
Leorio: Life is free.
Gon: Adventure is free!
Killua: Knowledge is free.
[Y/n]: Everything is free if you take it without paying.

Reason [BNHA x HxH!Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora