[26-30] Anthology

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[26] P.O.V.: Gon Freecss

Even if the two weren't related by blood, [Y/n] had been in Gon's life since before he could remember. Like Aunt Mito, she was a permanent fixture, and no matter what happened between them, he would always love her. Growing up, the two had a sibling bond that had been terrifyingly unbreakable; Aunt Mito had always joked that the two were twins in another life.

The one problem, though, was that Gon felt more protective of [Y/n] than [Y/n] felt of Gon. Of course, the older girl would argue that statement, but it was true, and everybody else would readily agree on that. [Y/n] had an untamable recklessness about her that made Gon worry about what could happen if she continued her journey with Gon and Killua. Kurapika and Leorio also worried over her, although to a different extent — he wasn't sure to what extent, or the reasoning behind their worries, but they did worry.

Really, the only one that never seemed worried for her wellbeing was Killua. The Zoldyck was completely confident in [Y/n]'s capabilities despite his constant nagging and teasing.

Funny, considering Killua and [Y/n] clashed the most out of everybody in their group.

It had certainly been a while since he had seen [Y/n] now, too — they were all supposed to meet up in York New City, and with the upcoming auction, soon things would be kicked into gear. She didn't go to Heaven's Arena, saying that she was going back to Whale Island to train more, but knowing [Y/n]... Well, even if she was home, the teen would probably find her way into trouble. That's how she's always been.

"Oi, Leorio's coming back," Killua noted, not even looking up from the GameNino he was currently playing on. Gon could smell the familiar aftershave and perked up — and then, another smell invaded his senses, of cinnamon and warmth and nostalgia.

Only one person had that kind of smell, and even in the hotel room, he could hear the exuberant voice talking to Leorio.

Bolting up from his spot on the couch, Gon jumped over the back of the couch and ran to the door just as it opened, nearly tackling the newcomer to the ground in a hug. She laughed airily, wrapping her arms around him and spinning him around.

Since when did she get arm muscles?

"It's good to see you too, little bro," [Y/n] teased, and for a moment the two just stood there hugging, before Leorio finally butt in.

"Can you two at least take this inside the room so I'm not standing out in the hall?"

The Freecss siblings laughed, bright and cheerful as they all went back into the hotel room. Killua paused his game, looking up towards [Y/n] and raising a slender, silver eyebrow.

"Oh, you're not dead. That's a surprise."

[Y/n]'s mood did a quick 180 as she glared over at the younger teen, sticking her tongue out at him. "And I see your attitude is still rotten as ever, but that's not really a surprise, Zol-dickhead."

That was a new nickname, and Gon could only laugh helplessly as [Y/n] and Killua immediately began to argue, throwing names and playground insults at each other.

No, [Y/n] may not be related to him by blood, but she would always be Gon's older sister, and he wouldn't have it any other way.


[27] P.O.V.: Killua Zoldyck

There weren't many people Killua genuinely respected, and even if he did respect somebody, it was very begrudging and hard for him to admit it. His father was one person — Silva Zoldyck was a force to be reckoned with, not that he would ever tell his dad that. Gon was another, and Alluka was also on that list; those two, he'd be more likely to admit he actually respected them, although his actions certainly spoke for him.

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