END 4: Iida Tenya

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"My decision . . . Guys, I'm . . ." Taking a deep breath, you finally got it out. "I'm going to stay. At least, for a bit longer."

Seeing their surprised faces, you couldn't help but laugh at the reaction your admission had received. "I really like going to school here, and besides, I have unfinished business with that crusty ass villain. I want to give him a piece of my mind!" The thought of Shigaraki had your fists clenching in irritation. No way could you let him go easy!

Unsurprisingly, Gon was the first to accept, hugging you tightly. "We'll see each other again, [Y/n]-nee! So come visit us and Aunt Mito!" As if you needed to be reminded! You'd never forget that.

"Come on, Killua, let's go!" Gon was already dragging Killua away, clutching the assassin's hand as if it were a lifeline. Killua managed to look behind one more time, giving a quick wave before the two disappeared into the portal.

Now, this just left you and Kurapika and Leorio, and realizing that Leorio was still waiting on you... Well, Kurapika was about to be confused in a moment.

"I'm sorry," you earnestly told him. "I. . . I think you know what my answer was, in the end."

He looked disappointed, but wasn't going to fight it as he ruffled your hair, messing it up in the process. "Well, I'll have other chances with you in the future," he teased, before swinging his briefcase over his shoulder. "I'll see you around, [Y/n], and next time I'll be a graduate doctor!"

"I look forward to it, Dr. Leorio!"

The 19-year-old gave a hearty laugh before leaving.

And then there were two.

"Kurapika, I—"

"Pardon my interruption, Freecss, Kurapika!" The polite yet firm voice that interjected was one you knew all too well and you turned around to see Tenya, bowing respectfully. Out of all the people that you could have seen coming by to see you off or stop you one last time, Tenya hadn't been high on the list, although he was definitely who you had been hoping for the most. The fact that he even came all this way across campus...!

"Is everything okay?" Worry laced your tone, and Tenya was quick to put your worries at ease, shaking his head. "Then what's going on?"

"I'd like to go with you, if that is alright!"

You and Kurapika exchanged startled looks — out of all the people, Tenya wanted to go with you? How strange!

"Kurapika, you head on back. We'll meet again, okay?" With your goodbye cut short, Kurapika was quick to leave you and Tenya alone as the portal disappeared as if nothing had ever been there. With that done, you turned to Tenya, fond smile changing into one full of confusion. "Tenya... Why would you want to come with me to my world?"

Tenya frowned, his eyes unnaturally serious behind his glasses, even for him.

"Freecss — no, [Y/n]. You were there the night of the Hero Killer Stain incident in Hosu, and saw my actions for what they were. Did you really think that was befitting of a hero?"

A strange question. Pressing your lips together, you thought carefully. You knew more than ever that the world (neither yours nor this one) was all black-and-white. The gray areas tended to blend together too much, and despite the laws set in place for heroes, you still couldn't help but disagree with a lot of them.

". . . Maybe not according to this society," you started slowly, "but I don't think you were in the wrong. This world... Well, you all categorize stuff as 'good' and 'evil', 'villainous' or 'heroic'.... There's really no in between. There's that mindset, "If you're not with us, you're against us", yanno?"

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